Wednesday, August 16, 2017

SSQG Minutes -- 7/20/17

SSQG Meeting Agenda
Minutes taken by B. Frederick

  1. President/Call to order (Sharon H.) – 6:37
  2. Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests: 12 members, guest:
  3. Reading of the minutes and motion to accept – sent out
    1. Motion made by: Elsie H.
    2. Motion seconded by: Merline L
    3. Accepted by membership? yes-
  4. Reports of officers and committees
    1. Treasurer’s report (Cheryl A.) –
      1. Beginning Balance: $1028.25
      2. Deposits: $36.00
      3. Expenditures: $25.00
      4. Ending Balance: $1039.25
      5. Motion to accept:
        1. Motion made by: Mynan G.
        2. Motion seconded by: Betty B.
        3. Accepted by membership? -yes
    2. VP/Programming (Mynan G.) –9 patches sew date changed from this Saturday to July 29th while we set up the quilt show. August’s program will be Sharon and a friend talking about quilting safety. Sept. possibly making name badges and Oct – quick Christmas gifts.
    3. Secretary (Becky F.) –notice about quilt show up on Community calendars, Country Roads, and a flier at Quilt Corner.
    4. Historian/Blog site (Marilyn H.) –put notice on Facebook page for Baton Rouge Quilters and Cheryl put it on the GSQA website. Marilyn put up hers and Elsie’s mystery quilt top on the blog.
    5. Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Kathy S.) –absent. Marilyn finished her hexagon snowflake quilt. Merline finished a quilt also but it had already been turned in for the quilt show.
    6. Tabs (Cheryl A.) –Sharon brought some in.
    7. Door Prizes (Valerie K.) 1. Betty B.; 2. Mynan G.; 3. Sharon H.
    8. Just Do It (Sharon H.) Sharon proposed going to see Cotton Blossom in Madison, Mississippi and Becky suggested Daisey’s Cottage Creations for a Sept road trip.
    9. Quilt Show (SSQG membership): We will hang quilts July 29th and take down day will be August 31st. Demo day is August 19th. Registration forms and quilts due Friday July 29th. One case will have military hats as a salute to our service members. We have enough bears to stuff for demo day. We will have a Bear station (Merline), Kids Draw for Kids (Cheryl and Marilyn); Sharon has fabric and appliqué material for kids to design a block to go home; Betty and Valerie will do handwork, and Becky will have a game with the kids’ quilts. Let Sharon know if you will be demonstrating another craft.
    10. Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Cheryl A.) Representatives from Cancer Services and OLOL will be here to accept a quilt on demo day at 1:30.
  5. Unfinished Business: none
  6. New business: Laissez les Bon Temps Rouler Shop hop is the first and second weekend in August. August 3-5 and 11-12. Fabric Krazy has a Houston Bus trip Nov. 3-4. One night $216 per person double occupancy. Shuttle bus from hotel. Sign up as soon as possible at The Old Man River Quilt Show will be August 22-26th in Vicksburg. There is a great shop in Vicksburg called Stitch n Frame.
  7. Show and Tell- Valerie sewed her Mystery Quilt top, a graduation quilt going in the show, and a wool appliqué owl pillow. Cheryl showed a quilted charity quilt, tube quilting quilt for charity, hour glass charity quilt, and another charity quilt top. Marilyn showed a charity quilt. Betty showed a charity quilt top called Plus 2.
  8. Announcements –..
    1. Next meeting: August 17th, 6:30
  9. Adjournment –8:04

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