Wednesday, April 20, 2011

SSQG March 17, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild
March 17, 2011 meeting minutes
Jones Creek Library
President Linda Baumann opened the meeting at 6:40pm, welcoming everyone.
New member April Reeves was welcomed into our guild.
Treasurer Paula St. Romain reported $1151.80 was the balance in the guild’s treasury.
Secretary’s was accepted as corrected.
Old Business:
Sew Days – Valarie Barth will arrange possible dates to press donated fabric, cut out, arrange fabric according to pattern & color; then members will sew all
prepared fabric into charity quilts. It is possible that several dates may need to be arranged in order to complete the project.
New Business:
A questionnaire will be forthcoming to our membership to let members say what they are interested in learning, program ideas, games to play, monthly
fabric lotto/swap/drawing etc. Any ideas you have & suggestions that may improve the guild. What would you be interested in doing, seeing & learning?
What interests do you have etc?
Andrea introduced members to Moda designer’s pattern Flag of Valor – 1800 Star blocs are needed by May 2011. You may make blocks if you wish.
Becky Fincher reported that Diane Deaton asked if SSQG would make a quilt to be raffled with the money it raised going to Habitat for Humanity. Glenda
Parks volunteered to put the quilt together & Jessie Comeaux volunteered to quilt it. Guild members may take part in designing the quilt, choosing the colors
& making & placing the blocks as well as sewing the rows together.
Jessie Comeaux represented our guild as liaison to Lost Heroes Quilt Project.
GSQA members in our guild are: Jessie, Paula, Betty & Nina. Is anyone else a member? It is time to join or renew your membership, all are welcome.
President Linda Baumann invited members & their families to attend The St. Joseph’s Altar at Scared Heart Catholic Church at 11:30am on this Sunday.
She showed & shared a book showing the history of Saint Joseph’s Altar and color photos of actual altars as various churches designed them to praise andgive thanks to St. Joseph for his kindness.
Poccarello’s is selling rosarys made of fava beans.
Dee Jeffers presented a delightful program on making yo yos and showed some of the clowns, animals, dolls and many other delights you can create with any color yo yos.
Members enjoyed making their own yo yo or watching others make them. Secrets in preparation were shared by Dee . Thank you for a fun & informative pro
-gram.   Indygo Junction is a good source of ideas & products, Dee said they were the best she’d found.
Becky Fincher presented a program on the quilting cruise she & her husband had just gotten back home from. He didn’t join in the quilting activities but
found much to enjoy while Becky attended quilting activities, classes & loved newly learned techniques. She bought the most beautiful hand screened batiks
from the islanders who created them in the most beautiful colors. She encouraged members to take a quilting cruise, she enjoyed it very much.
Show & Tell was held: Our newest member April Reeves showed the 2nd quilt she made & we all instantly fell in love with it! Members also showed their beautiful quilts.
Fat quarter Drawing was won by Karol Guidry.
Our next meeting is this Thursday, April 2ist at 6:30 pm at Jones Creek Library.
Fat Quarter Lotto – the color to bring this month is pastel prints
Strip Exchange – this month’s color is purple!  Please bring 20 2 ½” strips cut from width of the fabric (WOF). You would cut 10 – 2 ½”
high strips then fold the (WOF) strip in half lengthwise cut once on the fold line = 20  2 ½” strips approximately 2 ½” by ½ the meas
-urement of your Width of fabric is. Fabric is not all 36” wide from selvage to selvage. If it was 36” the strip cut in half would = 18”.
You’d have 2 Strips 2 ½” x 18”. You will just fold your strip in half & cut on the fold line. The length they are will be fine.
This year the colors done are – Jan. – white,  Feb. – red,  March - green,  - this month as shown above – is purple! If you would like to do this, please do join in.

Fifteen members were present. Linda Baumann, Becky Fincher, Karol Guidry, Andrea Keith, Dee Jeffers, Heidi Brochard, April Reeves, JanDelgehausen, Glen Parks, Valerie Valle, Jessie Comeaux, Paula St. Romain, Merlene Lewis, Betty Braud and Becky Frederick.

Respectfully Submitted,
Karol Guidry

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