Thursday, October 21, 2021

October meeting


Hello my talented beauties,

I hope all of you are doing well & have been able to do something creative and fun.  We are approaching Halloween which is full of bright colors, tricks and treats!  Please join me on October 21,2021 for our Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild Meeting @6:30 pm at the Jones Creek Library.  We will also be doing a Zoom meeting as well for our members who still aren’t comfortable going out in public yet. 

Thursday there will be quilts delivered to Our Lady of the Lake and Cancer Services.  A total of 29 quilts and 16 port pillows will be delivered, well done ladies!  We will hear all about it from Merlene & Karen at the meeting tomorrow.  October’s program will be given by our extremely talented member, Valerie Kazlauskas.  Looking forward to Valerie teaching us how to make our very own, “Vinyl Project Bags”.   Fun, fun, fun!  I also want to give a big thank you to Marilyn H for sharing her placemats & ideas for Granparents Raising Granchildren, such a wonderful cause. 

Please start thinking about volunteering to serve on the board for 2022.  It really is a lot of fun and so very needed to keep SSQG going strong.  There are so many members who would help and support you in any of the positions.   Everyone is so talented in our guild, y’all are a pleasure to serve.  So let’s get this party started  and bring your UFO’s, tabs and show n tell.  Come join me for a night of fun, creativity & fellowship!

Humbly yours,

Pam Tennyson