Thursday, October 15, 2020

SSQG -- September ZOOM Meeting Minutes


SSQG Meeting Minutes

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Minutes taken by __Marilyn

  1. President/Call to order (Cheryl M.) – ZOOM Meeting – 6:40 p.m.

  2. Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests – 10

  3. Reading of the minutes and motion to accept –

    1. Motion made by: Fran

    2. Motion seconded by: Betty

    3. Accepted by membership? - yes

  4. Reports of officers and committees

    1. Treasurer’s report (Fran F.) – No Changes

      1. Beginning Balance: $1,380.12

      2. Deposits:

      3. Expenditures:

      4. Ending Balance:

      5. Motion to accept: $1,380.12

        1. Motion made by:

        2. Motion seconded by:

        3. Accepted by membership? -

    2. VP/Programming (Pam T.) -

    3. Secretary (Marilyn H.) –.

    4. Historian

    5. Blog (Marilyn H.) – If members would like their Show and Tell items to be posted on the SSQG blog, send your photos to Marilyn (originally Pam).

    6. Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Mynan G. ) -

    7. Tabs (Mynan) -

    8. Door Prizes (Valerie K.) -

    9. Just Do It (Cheryl M.)

    10. Quilt Show (SSQG membership)

    11. Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Karen W.)

    12. Red/White/Blue Quilts (Sharon H./Mynan G.) Fran delivered 18 quilts to the Louisiana War Veterans Home in Jackson. Visitors are not permitted inside at this time. SSQG has delivered a total of 78 quilts to the veterans, so far.

  5. Unfinished Business – A ZOOM membership will be purchased for one year as per the email vote and discussion at tonight’s meeting. Possible meeting places were explored by Cheryl but there are no rooms available for the foreseeable future.

  6. New business October is the month for a nominating committee to be chosen. All current officers have served 2 years and new officers will need to be chosen. If any members would like to serve on the guild board, please contact Cheryl.

Members are asked to think of ideas for a possible guild Christmas celebration in case meeting in person is still not possible.

  1. Program –

  2. Show and Tell Karen, Merlene, Pam, Karol, Valerie, Betty, Fran, Marilyn, Cheryl, Kathy.

  3. Announcements – The Giving Quilt/Wasted Women are collecting quilts to distribute to Southwest Louisiana for Hurricane Laura relief. Members may donate any size quilts to this effort, as well as any finished stuffed bears you may have on hand. The bi-yearly Quilt Show will be virtual in 2021 instead of in-person – more information to come soon.

Cheryl will continue to send links to the Global Quilt Connection videos of possible quilt teachers and lecturers. If members find any classes or lectures from the Quilt Connection that might interest the quild members, please mention the information about topic, cost, time, etc. to Cheryl or at a meeting.

Valerie reported that Remember Me Quilt Guild and the Modern Quilt Guild will share a lecture from the Global Quilt Connection choices – uses of handkerchiefs in quilts.

    1. Next meeting – Thursday, October 15, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. via ZOOM