Wednesday, February 19, 2014

SSQG meeting February 20th

Our meeting is this Thursday (2-20) at 6:30 pm. Please think of ways we might use to thank program
presenters we may invite in the future. A vote will be taken.
Jessie can’t attend this month & asks that you bring a list of your UFO’s (unfinished quilts or projects  
you plan to finish) to take part in UFO contest to see who can finish the most this year. Show your
finished projects at Show & Tell. There may be a prize at the end of the quarter!                              
She also issued a challenge to members to make an 8” block(s) - 8.5” unfinished - that represents                 
SSQG. Please make a block(s) & bring to this or March meeting. A vote by private member ballot will be
taken for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place. All blocks will be on display at our quilt show in August.                                                                                   
Renee will begin her program which will interest everyone. We will look forward to what she has to share.
Sharon was very kind to take home the door prizes that April had collected & we thank her very much. 
 Betty has volunteered to be in charge of door prizes. Please feel free to follow her lead & pitch in when
 ever you wish to help with something…                                                                                                 
There may be items in your quilt treasures you will never use or no longer wish to keep. You might wish
to donate them to our door prize collection. Door Prizes are given at every meeting.                           
See each of you this Thursday nite.! Looking forward to seeing & hearing what you are working on &
 What you might like the rest of us to know about or do.                                                                                                

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