Wednesday, August 16, 2017

August Meeting -- 8/17/17

Good Morning Ladies,

As you know we have our meeting this Thursday August 16.  I have attacked the minutes of our last meeting. Please review them if you get a chance. Our program will be on Safety and Movement for Quilters presented by Peggy Bourgeois RN and yours truly. There will be lots of tips on first aid and keeping flexible. We will also make final plans for our Demo Day that is Saturday from 10 to 2.

Please come to the meeting with ideas for a Sassi Strippers name tag.  Many of us have said they are interested in designing and making one.

On August 26 at the Highland Road Presbyterian Church there will be a sew day (Sewing Blue)  to make quilts for children of fallen police officers. I will forward a flier to you, in a separate email, in case you want to sign up.

Looking forward to tomorrow night.


PS Mynan and Becky ask you to bring anything you have sewn for them to the meeting.

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