Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild
April 21, 2011 meeting minutes
Jones Creek Library
President Linda Baumann welcomed members and opened the meeting at 6:50pm. There were no guests present.
Treasurer Paula St. Romain was unable to be present but sent word the amount present in the treasury had remained unchanged and stands at $1151.80.
Secretary’s report was accepted.
Glenda Parks presented an opportunity to host a guild retreat at Pam’s Place Retreat Center in June or July of this year. She asked how many would like to attend & 10 members raised their hands. The date was then set - July15,16 &17. The retreat center has 3 cutting stations, 2 long board ironing stations, 10 work tables w/10 rolling
chairs which sit at work tables & roll into den dining table. The dining table may also be used to pin a quilt or lay one out for block placements. There are 7 design walls in the work room to use for design work, block placement, row layout &/or seeing your quilt from a distance back to switch blocks around or know you have them the way you want them to be. This is a 3 bedroom brick home with full kitchen & beds for 10 people right here in Baton Rouge .
Glenda sent a list for members to sign that they would like to attend.
Becky Fincher said that she had two boxes of donated fabric that Paula St. Romain had washed & ironed with her tonite. Valarie Barth had chosen the “Block Aid”
Pattern mystery quilt to have the guild use to make our charity quilts. The sew day will be announced at a later date.
Next month a representative of Habitat for Humanity will visit & address our guild to let us know what their needs will be for quilts 2011.Members voted - vote passed to donate charity quilts to Habitat for Humanity.
Show & Tell was held.
Jan Delgehausen won the pastel print fat quarter lotto.
Door prizes were won by Becky Fincher and Elsie Hamway.
Guild members then spent the next hour pressing the donated fabrics & cutting the 1st phase of the mystery quilt pattern. We have begun! Two boxes of fabric were sorted divided into lengths then members cut ½ yard pieces & fat quarters into 5” squares. Large yardage was put in one box to be used as backings along with juvenile fabric, ziplock bags of cut 5” squares & remnants. Becky Frederick agreed to store the box at her home. There now is only one box with donated allocated charity fabric.
Our next meeting will be Thursday May19th at Jones Creek Library at 6:30 pm.
Fat Quarter lotto will be paisley prints. Strip exchange color will be pink.
Please try to attend the Giving Quilt Show Saturday May 7th at the St. Gabriel Community Center . They are expecting 200 charity quilts to be hanging. Much activity will be taking place for those who attend to take part in if they wish to do so. Jambalaya lunch will be on sale + cold drinks. Please go to to learn more. If you miss this event you will try to go next year when those who can go this year talk about all that took place.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm. ;
Fourteen members were present; Karol Guidry, Caroline Derbes, Becky Frederick, Merlene Lewis, Betty Braud, Elsie Hamway Jan Delgehausen, Heidi Brochard, April Reeves, Valerie Valley, Norma McDaniel, Glen Parks, Linda Baumann, and Becky Fincher.
; Respectfully Submitted
Karol Guidry