I've added the Teddy Bear Pattern as a separate tab on our blog. You can see the link next to the Home button above. Or here is the direct link:
Teddy Bear Pattern

Founded in 2005 by quilters who wanted to share their love of quilting with others, our guild's purpose was to promote appreciation and interest in quilting and to provide educational opportunities. Reimagined in 2023 -- The Sassi Stripper Stitchers meets every third Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m at the Jones Creek Library. Come and go during that time. Work on any kind of stitchery. Sharing, show and tell, and fellowship.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
SSQG meeting February 20th
Our meeting is this Thursday (2-20) at 6:30 pm. Please think of ways we might use to thank program
presenters we may invite in the future. A vote will be taken.
Jessie can’t attend this month & asks that you bring a list of your UFO’s (unfinished quilts or projects
you plan to finish) to take part in UFO contest to see who can finish the most this year. Show your
finished projects at Show & Tell. There may be a prize at the end of the quarter!
She also issued a challenge to members to make an 8” block(s) - 8.5” unfinished - that represents
SSQG. Please make a block(s) & bring to this or March meeting. A vote by private member ballot will be
taken for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place. All blocks will be on display at our quilt show in August.
Renee will begin her program which will interest everyone. We will look forward to what she has to share.
Betty has volunteered to be in charge of door prizes. Please feel free to follow her lead & pitch in when
ever you wish to help with something…
There may be items in your quilt treasures you will never use or no longer wish to keep. You might wish
to donate them to our door prize collection. Door Prizes are given at every meeting.
See each of you this Thursday nite.! Looking forward to seeing & hearing what you are working on &
What you might like the rest of us to know about or do.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
SSQG meeting minutes - January 16, 2013 (from Becky Fincher)
Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild
January 16, 2014
President Karol Guidry called the meeting to order. She welcomed 10 members to the first meeting
of a new year.
The meeting minutes of November were accepted as
Treasurer, Elsie Hamway presented the December
balance of $858.90. There were no expenses or deposits for the
month of December. The treasurer’s
report was accepted. Members were
renewing their membership during this meeting.
Meeting minutes and pictures and etc. are posted on the
blog site. Valerie welcomes items from
members to post on the blog site.
Everyone is encouraged to read the blogsite and make
comments. The address for the blog site
is http://sassistrippersquiltguild.blogspoit.com/
Unfinished Projects(UFO’s) – Jessie Comeaux
Jessie Comeaux is the chair for 2014. A copy of the blank form has been posted on
to the blog site. Enter the game and
have fun racing for the lead and have the bonus of moving a lot of unfinished
projects. To qualify as finished, the
quilt has to be quilted, bound and preferably brought to show and tell during a
meeting. Just sign up your ufo’s with
Jessie. A quilt can be added anytime
during the year.
Tabs - Betty Braud
Betty Braud is the quilt guild contact of this charity
project. Just remember when you pop a
top pull the tab and collect them to bring to a meeting. I have family members
saving them for me. We are giving them to the reopened New Orleans McDonald’s
house. Note: You all know my sister in Monroe had been
delivering our tabs to the McDonald’s House in Monroe, LA. A member of her church saw her saving tabs
and asked why. My sister now has her
church saving tabs for the house.
Door Prizes – Sharon
Sharon will collect the door prizes. A prize will be pulled during each meeting.
Quilt Show – Renee’ Hoeprich
Renee’ has graciously offered to be the Quilt Show chair
for this year. The members accepted her
offer. Just let her know you will be on
the committee. Our annual quilt show is
always greatly received by the community.
Setup is planned for August 1 & 2.
Demo Day is planned for August 23.
We plan to take down the show August 28th. The Quilt Show has been on the library
calendar since the last show.
Charity Quilts – Merlene & Elsie
The guild will ask (by letter) the Wasted Women to provide
some fabric to make our charity quilts.
The members voted for our charities this year. The charity quilts will go to Generations
Hospice, OLOL Children’s Hospital and The Cancer Services. We will also continue to make the stuffed
teddy bears to donate for the Children’s Hospital.
Challenge Block
The challenge block is due this month. It is to represent the Sassi Strippers Quilt
Guild. The block is to be 8.5 inches
(8.0 inches finished). The block will be
used on the blog site as our “official” quilt block to represent our guild.
New Business
Livonia, LA Guild has a Sit & Sew every 4th
Monday of the month in 2014 from 9 am ‘til at the First Baptist Church in
GSQA membership forms
Red Stick Wool Hookers meet at library every Thursday.
Embroidery Guild of America have a day and night at
meeting at our library.
Contemporary Fabric Artist of Louisiana has a show at the State Archives Building February
7th, 14th and 21st from 10 – 1 pm.
River City Guild has classes taught by Judy Neimeyer
available in April.
Renee’ Hoeprich presented a program which will last a
year. Each monthly meeting a new
technique will be taught. We will need
to bring a piece of background fabric to display our blocks on. The tone on tone fabric will frame our
unfinished blocks. This ongoing program
will give us all learning opportunities.
Show and Tell
Beautiful as always.
Next Month
Bring a friend to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
SSQG quilting present & upcoming events (from Karol)
Now thru end of the month;
OUR QUILTED PAST EXHIBIT at Old State Capital, 100 North Blvd. Downtown B R…
Quilts & other items made during years1925-1955 made with flour &/or grain
sacks as well as the history.
8th SEW LONG DAY - 9am til 2 or 3 pm at St Margaret’s Episcopal Church, 12633 Perkins Road , B R (near the intersection of Seigen Lane & Perkins Rd. ) across from Calandro’s shopping Center. The Giving Quilt organization is inviting all who who wish to sew or assist sewers making pillow cases for Dreams Come True http://www.dctofla.com/. to come out & enjoy the event. Pillowcase kits have been prepared by Wasted Women & are provided along with lunch & door prizes. Call Candy at 225-342-2238 For More Info… You may bring your sewing machine & supplies or to assist (Candy will will tell you.
15th GSQA Meeting – 10am til 3pm at Church at corner of Tara Blvd & Old Hammond Hwy, B R. Bring your lunch, drinks will be Provided. Mary Woltman will be installed as new GSQA President. The program will be given by Carol Hilton. Door prizes will be given & Show & Tell will be held. Members are from Florida panhandle, Alabama , Mississippi , as well as La. Remember Me Quilt Guild is hosting the meeting.
15th GSQA ROSEBUD LUNCHEON & AUCTION - will be held at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel, 6401 Veterans Blvd. in Metairie , La This is a fun event that benefits GSQA in supporting all quilting activities they put on for our enrichment. Please call Laura Broders at 504-895-4435 for more information & ticket prices.
21st & 22nd GSQA QUILT SHOW – to be held at North Shore Harbor Center inSlidell ,La.
11th PENSACOLA , Florida Quilt Show
12th GSQA GENERAL MEETING – Morgan City , La.
26th GSQA GENERAL MEETING _ Daphne, Alabama
2015 GSQA EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR, information contact Dan LeBlanc - lebd48aol.com
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