Founded in 2005 by quilters who wanted to share their love of quilting with others, our guild's purpose was to promote appreciation and interest in quilting and to provide educational opportunities. Reimagined in 2023 -- The Sassi Stripper Stitchers meets every third Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m at the Jones Creek Library. Come and go during that time. Work on any kind of stitchery. Sharing, show and tell, and fellowship.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Friday, July 22, 2016
SSQG Meeting Minutes -- 6/16/16
Meeting Agenda
June 16, 2016
taken by Valerie
- President/Call to order (Pam T.) – 6:39 pm
- Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests – 13 members attended
- Reading of the minutes and motion to accept –
- Motion made by: Valerie V.
- Motion seconded by: Marilyn H.
- Accepted by membership? - Yes
- Reports of officers and committees
- Treasurer’s report (Elsie H.) –
- Beginning Balance: $1,061.66
- Deposits:
- Expenditures: $25
- Ending Balance: $1,036.66 as of 5/31/2016
- Motion to accept:
- Motion made by: Sharon H.
- Motion seconded by: Betty B.
- Accepted by membership? - Yes
- VP/Programming (Sharon H.) - Hand outs provided for last month’s meeting for those who missed it. Discussed & asked for ideas for future programs that the guild would like ti have.
- Secretary (Katie J. & Valerie K.) –. Valerie K took the minutes for Linda B who was not in attendance.
- Historian/Blog site (Marilyn H.) - Marilyn H continues to post to the blog our including pictures from the meeting. The members discussed ways to post on the blog site.
- Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Kathy S.) - Betty shared 2 UFOs: 1.) Metro Rings 2015 2.) Orca Bay, 2011 Mystery Quilt by Bonnie Hunter - (Splish Splash Moda & Chocolate Charm Squares)
- Tabs (Betty B.) - Betty B collected tabs. Renee H said GSQA is going to announce that they will be collecting tabs for SSQG at their meetings.
- Door Prizes (Renee H.) - 1st prize Betty B. (Penguins & Other Patchwork) 2nd prize Cheryl A. (Folk Art Christmas) 3rd prize Elsie H. (Mittens & Bows)
- Just Do It (Pam T.) - Road Trip to Mia’s Quilt Shop & Duke’s Restaraunt will meet at the Target parking lot on Millerville at 10:00 am.
- Quilt Show (SSQG membership) - Kaleidoscope of Quilts Show 2016: Set up day is on Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 10:00 am until. Demo day is Saturday, August 20, 2016 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm with the presentation at 1:00 pm. Take down is on Wednesday, August 31, 2016 and the time is TBD. Pam T was to speak with Gayle to see if they could do a certain set up with the tables. Pam will send out an updated list of the Storytime quilts that have been done. The guild said they wanted to play the same game as last year for the Storytime quilts. Pam T said she will need to buy new ink cartridge for the quilt show signage, the guild said yes. Please bring your quilts to the next meeting to turn into Pam T for the quilt show (all quilts need to have a sleeve on it wether it is sewn or pinned, excluding the charity quilts).
- Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Cheryl A.) - Guild members continue to work on charity quilts and bears.
- Unfinished Business -
- New Business - Angie H proposed the guild participate in the Mini-Makers-Fair at the main Library on Goodwood this year. It is on Saturday, October 8, 2016 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. The guild agreed to attend this year on your own & reassess next year’s participation. Renee H asked if SSQG would like to participate in The Giving Quilt Show. A motion was made to participate, 1st motion by Sharon H & 2nd motion made by Merlene L, the motion was accepted by the guild. The guild agreed to to do The Stuff a Bear table on Saturday, February 4, 2017. The show is on February 2 - 5, 2017. The guild ask if they could be given one box of stuffing than last year because they ran out last year.
- Program – The evening was focused on the Kaleidoscope of Quilt Show for 2016 details & also worked on making bears.
- Show and Tell - Sharon H, Elsie H, Merlene L, Marilyn H & Pam T brought items to share with the guild.
- Announcements – Remember Me Fall Quilt Guild’s Fall Jubilee is on October 8, 2016 from 9:00 am - 3 pm at St. Paul Lutheran
- Next meeting - June 16, 2016
- Adjournment – 8:17 pm
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
July Meeting 7/21/2016
my talented beauties,
hope everyone is being good to themselves during this very sad &
trying time. I am so thankful to have quilting in my life that
brings me serenity & joy! I want to tell y’all how thankful I
am to have each of you in my life! I think everyone of you are
beautiful, inside & out! You are such lovely & talented
quilters that continue to give back to our community on a regular
basis. I just want you to know how valued you are! We have our
next meeting on Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 6:30 pm @the Jones Creek
library. We will be focusing on the Quilt Show during the meeting.
Please bring your quilts to turn in to me at the meeting, if you
couldn’t print out a form online, copies will be provided at the
meeting. Remember, all the quilts need to have a sleeve sew on or
safety pinned on the top of the back of the quilt that goes all the
way across from binding to binding. All quilts need to be turned in
with a completed form, clean, free of lint, threads, hair of any
kind. One case for the quilt show we will be going to be focused on
our Sassi Stripper Quilt Guild, to let the community see what we do.
If you have any memorabilia of anything to do with our guild &
don’t mind letting us borrow it, could you please bring it to the
meeting. We would also like to have a tribute to our law enforcement
and country. If you have any items or quilts that are patriotic or
in this theme, please bring those as well. All ideas &
suggestions are welcome at the meeting for the quilt show. Please
keep making bears for the show, you know they love to stuff those
bears! Last year we received so many compliments on your works of
art! The library staff looks forward to it every year. Please
invite all your guilds, friends & family to the quilt show. The
kids had a blast last year so don’t forget to invite them as well,
they are the future quilters! Our Road Trip to Mia’s Quilt Shop &
Duke’s Restaurant was so much fun!!! I believe we had 12 ladies
join us. It was perfect timing because Mia’s just happened to be
having a sale! The ladies enjoyed Duke’s atmosphere, food &
service so much that we would like to see if everyone would like to
have our Christmas Party there! Always lots going on with the Sassi
Strippers! Please bring any completed UFO’s, donations for door
prizes & tabs to be turned in to the meeting. Most definitely
bring Show-n-Tell! One last thing, our guild member, Angie Hebert,
is making goodie bags. They are for the police officers, canine
officers, firefighter & EMS employees. She is also attaching
thank you notes as well! I just wanted to share this with you
because I think it is a great cause. If you would like to donate any
homemade or mixes for cookies, brownies, dog treats or baking
supplies please bring those to the meeting as well. You can also
just write a note or a thank you card to them. I know it is short
notice, you can make arrangements with Angie about another time.
This is completely optional & not guild related, just heart
related. So come on, join me for another night of fun, creativity &
Monday, July 18, 2016
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