Sunday, October 23, 2016

October Photos

More flood victims with their replacement quilts

Modern Quilt Program


Show and Tell

Thursday, October 20, 2016

October Meeting 10/20/16

Hello my talented Beauties,

    I hope everyone is enjoying this fabulous weather lately and for those who are affected by the flood, I wish you speedy progress on your road to rebuilding.  It was so fantastic to see so many guild members show up at our last meeting regardless of what they were going through at that time in their lives.  Let's do it again & enjoy everyone's company, share some more laughs!  We are having our meeting onThursday, October 20, 2016 6:30 pm at the Jones Creek library.  At the September meeting everyone loved learning what Carol Hilton had to share with the guild, she is amazing!  Fantastic tips & ideas galore!  We are blessed to have the President of the Modern Quilt Guild, Pat R. Van Burkleo for our October program.  He will be sharing his fabulous modern quilts with the guild & telling us his story of how he got into quilting.  We are so excited to have him!   It is time to be thinking who you want for your SSQG Board of 2017, so please bring your nominations.  Our SSQG Christmas Party is booked for December 15, 2016 at City Cafe on O'neal Lane at 6:30 pm (Room 1), so mark your calendars!  Bring your tabs, door prize donations & completed UFO's to the meeting.  Please bring show-n-tell to share with the guild.  So take another break, come join me for another night of fun, creativity & much needed fellowship!!!

Humbly yours,

Pam Tennyson

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

SSQG Minutes -- 9/15/16

SSQG Meeting Minutes
Date: September 15, 2016
Minutes taken by Katie J.
  1. President / Call to order (Pam T.)- 6:37pm 
  2. Sign in, Welcome to Members and Guests- 11 Members attended and 2 Guests, (Wanda Hoffman & Carol Hilton-Speaker).
  3. Reading of the minutes and motions to accept-
  1. Motion made by: Mynan G.
  2. Motion seconded by: Bonnie M.
  3. Accepted by membership? Yes
  1. Reports of officers and committees
  1. Treasurer’s report (Elsie H.)-
  1. Beginning Balance: 1011.86
  2. Deposits: 0
  3. Expenditures: 0
  4. Ending Balance: 1011.86
  5. Motion to accept:
  1. Motion made by: Janell C.
  2. Motion seconded by: Karol G.
  3. Accepted by membership? Yes
  1. VP/ Programming (Sharon H.)- Carol Hilton from Southern Heritage gave a presentation on “How to prepare your quilt top for longarm quilting”.

  1. Secretary (Katie J.)-Katie J. took minutes.

  1. Historian/Blog Site (Marilyn H.)- Continues to post to the blog site and post pictures.

  1. Unfinished Projects (UFOs-Kathy S.)- No UFO’s

  1. Tabs (Betty B.)- Janell C., Pam T. & GSQA turned in tabs that Cheryl A. took to give to Betty B.

  1. Door Prizes (Renee H.)-
1st prize- Bonnie M. (Christmas Potpourri)
                   2nd prize- Kathy S. (Modern Christmas)
3rd prize - Karol G. (Notions)
4th prize - Elsie H. (Country Charm)

  1. Just Do It (Pam T.)- No discussion

  1. Quilt Show (SSQG membership)- Quilts were taken down from the library August 31, 2016. The show was a huge success, well done ladies!!! SSQG presented Bill & Peggy Davis with a quilt for all their help setting up as well as taking down the Kaleidoscope of Quilts Show for 2016. They were elated, humbled & very grateful! The quilt was made by Elsie H. and longarm quilted by Pam T.

  1. Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Cheryl A.)- Completed bears were given to Cheryl A. to distribute. SSQG purchased several bolts of flannel fabric from Hancock’s Fabrics closeout for under $40.00, to make bears. The guild decided to give charity quilts from the Quilt Show to victims of the Louisiana Flood of 2016. Our members that flooded received charity quilts, they were Bonnie M., Karol G., Merlene L., Becky F., Valerie V. & Elsie H.

5.Unfinished business- Discussion on the location of the “2016 SSQG Christmas
Party”, changed from Duke’s Restaurant to the possibly of City Café on O’Neal
Lane. Katie J. is checking on availability for December 15, 2016.

6. New Business-

7. Program- “How to prepare your quilt for longarm quilting”, by Carol Hilton of
Southern Heritage Quilting.

8. Show and tell- Sharon H. (Zoe Zebra 3D Quilt), Mynan G. (Garden Quilt &
Mystery Quilt Legacy), Merlene L. (Tulip Quit, “The Flood”), Pam T.
(Autumn/Thanksgiving Quilt & Christmas Quilt).

9. SSQG voted for Modern Quilters to borrow our quilt show equipment for their
Show in November. Pat, the President of Modern Quilters, will do a program
for us in return.

a) Motion made by: Elsie H.
b) Motion seconded by: Marilyn H.
c) Accepted by membership? Yes

9. Announcements-
a) Next Meeting- October 20, 2016

10. Adjournment- 8:36pm