Founded in 2005 by quilters who wanted to share their love of quilting with others, our guild's purpose was to promote appreciation and interest in quilting and to provide educational opportunities. Reimagined in 2023 -- The Sassi Stripper Stitchers meets every third Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m at the Jones Creek Library. Come and go during that time. Work on any kind of stitchery. Sharing, show and tell, and fellowship.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
November Meeting 11-17-16
Hello my talented beauties,
I want to start by wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you enjoy your family & friends during the holidays! We are having our next meeting on Thursday, November 17, 2016 @ 6:30 pm at the Jones Creek Library. We were so thrilled to have the President of the Modern Quilt Guild, Pat Van Burkleo, with us for the October meeting! Pat shared all of his modern quilts, as well as his journey in quilting. Pat welcomed anyone to join the modern quilt guild & shared a little bit about the guild. We were thrilled to have him with, please remember that their Quilt Show is still on display! Angie Hebert will be doing our November program. She is going to share how she made the cutest pincushion, you will love it! She also has a surprise for one lucky member, yay! We would like to give a huge welcome to our latest Sassi Stripper member, Wanda Hoffman!!! We are so happy to have her join our guild! The nomination committee was selected at the October meeting, the committee will present their nominees for SSQG Officers of 2017 at the November meeting. We will vote on the new officers at the meeting, come & let your voice be heard. Remember our SSQG Christmas Party is booked for December 15, 2016 at the City Cafe, room 1 @ 6:30 pm. If you have any completed UFO's, please bring them. Bring your tabs, door prize donations to the meeting as well. Come join me for another night of fun, creativity & fellowship!!!
Humbly yours,
Pam Tennyson
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
SSQG Minutes -- 10/20/16
SSQG Minutes --
Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2016
taken by Sharon H
1. President / Call to
order (Pam T.)- 6:34pm
2. Sign in, Welcome to
Members and Guests- 13 Members attended and 1 Guests Pat Van
Burkleo (Speaker), Wanda Hoffman, new member, was welcomed
3. Reading of the
minutes and motions to accept-
a. Motion made by:
Sharon H.
b. Motion seconded
by: Merlene L.
c. Accepted by
membership? Yes
4. Reports of officers
and committees
a. Treasurer’s
report (Elsie H.)-
I. Beginning
Balance: 1,011.66
II. Deposits: 0
III. Expenditures:
IV. Ending Balance:
V. Motion to
1. Motion made by:
Valerie V.
2. Motion seconded
by: Cheryl A.
3. Accepted by
membership? Yes
b. VP/ Programming
(Sharon H.)- Pat Van Burkleo, President of the Modern Quilt Guild,
gave a presentation which included a trunk show and information
about the guild.
c. Secretary
(Katie J.)-Katie J. absent. Sharon H took minutes.
d. Historian/Blog
Site (Marilyn H.)- Continues to post to the blog site and post
pictures. She will change the blog to reflect that Katie J is now
the secretary.
e. Unfinished
Projects (UFOs-Kathy S.)- No UFO’s
f. Tabs (Betty
B.)- large amount of tabs turned in.
g. Door Prizes (Renee
Becky F (Applique)
Carol G (Scrappy)
Pat B (Modern)
h. Just Do It (Pam
T.)- No discussion
i. Quilt Show (SSQG
membership)- Bill and Peggy Davis were of enormous help taking down
the quilt show. They were given the Hashtag Quilt made by Elsie H in
appreciation. They were delighted.
j. Charity Quilts
(Merlene L. & Cheryl A.)- 10 new, kid oriented quilts will be
given to the charity of our choice. Also have many bears. Many
quilts were given to flood victims. 19 quilts were given out to
flood victims. Valerie V got colorful squares. Jazz received large
brown quilt. Pam T showed pictures of some of the flood victims
receiving the quilts. Some of the flood victims cried.
5.Unfinished business-
Christmas Party confirmed for December 15th @ 6:30pm in
room 1 of the City Cafe. Pattern for the bears was given to Wanda H.
Sharon H donated flannel that was previously purchased from Hancock
Fabrics to the guild to make bears.
6. New Business-
Selection of officers for the coming year. A slate of new officers
will be presented at the November meeting for a vote by the
membership. Nominating committee is Valerie V, Elsie H, and Janelle
7. Program- “Modern
Quilting and the Modern Quilt Guild” by Pat Van Burkleo
8. Show and tell-
Janell C (Red, Blue & Brown), Betty (Crayon Quilt), Sharon H (LSU
& Batik Block of the Month)
9. Announcements-
a) Next Meeting-
November 17, 2016
10. Adjournment- 8:07pm
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