Meeting 1/19/17
taken by Becky F.
President (Sharon H) called to order 6:36 pm
Sign in, Welcome to 11 members and 1 guest Nicole Hamway (Elsie’s
Reading of the minutes and motion to accept
Motion made by : Elsie H.
Motion seconded by Karol G.
Accepted by membership? Yes
Reports of officers
a. Treasurer’s report
(Cheryl A.) Report is the same as last month with no outgoing or
b. VP/Programming (Mynan) –
Bears tonight. Mynan asked membership about their interests for
future programs. We will possibly have Paula Toups in February.
Members were asked to share skills or other crafts that they enjoy
for future programs. Please talk to Mynan if you have ideas about
c. Secretary (Becky F.)
d. Historian/Blog site will be
maintained by Marilyn H. again this year.
e. Unfinished projects (UFOs)
goodies will be handled by Kathy S. again this year.
f. Tabs will be collected and
delivered by Cheryl A. for Ronald McDonald House.
g. Door prizes will be
collected and awarded by Valerie K. at future meetings. Tonight door
prizes were awarded to: Merlene (Traditional but Hip bag); Cheryl A.
(Warm Heart bag); and Nicole who gave hers to her mother.
h. Just Do It will be planned
by Sharon H.
i. Quilt Show will have no
chairman or committee and all members will be responsible for putting
on the show.
j. Charity Quilts will be
collected and distributed by Cheryl A. and Merlene L
Unfinished business – Giving Quilt Show will be Feb. 4th-5th from
10:00 to 4:00. Sharon is setting up at 8:30 on Feb. 4th.
We are only responsible being there with bears on Saturday. We
stuffed less than 300 last year. Stuffing will be provided by the
Giving Quilt guild.
New business- GSQA quarterly meeting will be Jan. 28th
in Baton Rouge at the Goodwood Library at 10:00 am. Presentation
will be about putting your quilts in a show and how they are judged.
Lunches provided for $6.00.
seminar will be held March 15-18 in New Orleans at the Kenner Hilton.
You may go to the GSQA website to view and register for classes or
lectures. If interested in attending, we will organize carpooling at
a later date. This year GSQA is giving guilds the opportunity to put
together baskets for auction with 50% of proceeds going back to the
guild. Opportunity Baskets may consist of sewing notions, fabric,
etc. or one big item. Baskets are due March 15th
at the seminar hotel. Winners will be drawn on Saturday at lunch.
were asked who would be interested in a Mystery quilt, quilt in a
box, Round Robin quilt, etc. Merlene suggested a Row by Row. Bring
your ideas to the next meeting.
Program – Members cut out, sewed, turned, and drew faces on bears
for the rest of the meeting time.
Show and Tell – none tonight.
Next meeting is February 16th.
Adjournment at 8:30 pm