Founded in 2005 by quilters who wanted to share their love of quilting with others, our guild's purpose was to promote appreciation and interest in quilting and to provide educational opportunities. Reimagined in 2023 -- The Sassi Stripper Stitchers meets every third Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m at the Jones Creek Library. Come and go during that time. Work on any kind of stitchery. Sharing, show and tell, and fellowship.
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
SSQG Minutes -- July 19, 2018
Meeting Agenda
taken by B. Frederick
President/Call to order (Sharon H.) – 6:38
Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests: 16 members
Reading of the minutes and motion to accept –
Motion made by: Kathy S
Motion seconded by: Mynan G.
Accepted by membership? yes-
Reports of officers and committees
Treasurer’s report (Cheryl A.) –
Beginning Balance: $1101.92
Ending Balance: $1101.92
Motion to accept:
Motion made by: Becky F
Motion seconded by: Sharon H
Accepted by membership? -yes
VP/Programming (Mynan G.) – Quilt show set up for July 28th from 9 a.m. until. We are in need of a program for August.
Secretary (Becky F.) –no report
Historian/Blog site (Marilyn H.) –There have been some complaints about the Blogspot site but she hasn’t had any problems with it.
Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Kathy S.) – none tonight. Merline and Elsie from last month.
Tabs (Cheryl A.) – Becky, Betty, and Kathy brought some in.
Door Prizes (Valerie K.) 1. Becky F.; 2. Betty B.; 3. Kathy S.
Just Do It (Sharon H.) Sharon shared about the Krotz Springs trip.
Quilt Show (SSQG membership): Sharon spoke to the Women’s Veteran group that meets at the library and they will bring us hats from every branch. Next meeting we will talk about Demo day scheduled for August 18th from 10-2.
Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Cheryl A.) – Valerie and Marilyn brought bear skins.
Unfinished Business - none
New business – There are fabrics to give away on the table tonight. Given to Mynan fro her to give away.
Program – no program tonight. Winners of the fabric bingo: Pam T. and Ann G. Elsie won the Left/Right/Center game.
Show and Tell- none
Announcements –
GSQA meeting is Sat. July 28th.
Our guild is back in good standing. Show set up Sat. Bring your
Next meeting is August 16th,
Adjournment –7:55
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