Friday, October 19, 2018

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

SSQG Minutes -- September 20 , 2018

SSQG Meeting Minutes
Date: September 20, 2018
Minutes taken by Ann

1. President / Call to order (Sharon H)- 6:42 PM

2. Sign in, Welcome to Members and Guests- Members attended and Guests, Shirley
and Donna

3. Reports of officers and committees- Minutes deferred
a. Treasurer’s report (Elsie H.)-
I. Beginning Balance:$1101.92
II. Deposits: $
III. Expenditures: $
IV. Ending Balance: $1113.92
V. Motion to accept:
1. Motion made by:Betty
2. Motion seconded by: Mynan
3. Accepted by membership? Yes

b. VP/ Programming (Mynan G)- Mynan and Elsie will present a program called
Surprise Stitching in October. November’s program will be presented by Merlene on
Using Pressed Flowers in Quilting. December will be our Christmas Party at the City
Cafe. If anyone would like to present a program or has an idea please let Mynan know.

c. Secretary (Becky F)- Nothing new

d. Historian/Blog Site (Marilyn H.)-Blog is alive and well and includes pictures of our
show at the library.

e. Unfinished Projects (UFOs-Kathy S.)-Karen showed her Newport Vacation Quilt

f. Tabs (Cheryl M.)- Cheryl will be gone most of October. When she returns she will
provide a list of possible dates for a Just Do It trip to the Ronald MacDonald House in
New Orleans to deliver a batch to drink can tabs.

g. Door Prizes (Valerie K.)- None given because of book exchange.

h. Just Do It (Sharon H)-We will go to the Veterans Home in Jackson on September 26.
Everyone is invited to join us as we deliver 21 quilts.

i. Quilt Show (SSQG membership)

j. Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Cheryl M.)-Merlene reported that 15 quilts and 50 bears
were delivered to OLOL and 15 quilts and 150 bears were delivered to Cancer Services.

5.Unfinished business- No additional business

6. New Business- Houston Quilt Show is November 4-11

7. Program- We enjoyed a huge book exchange and everyone(who wanted to) went
home with some new books.

8. Show and tell- Quilts were displayed by Donna, Robin, Karen, Merlene and Monette

9. Announcements-The Picayune Quilt Show will be Sept. 29 and 30 in Picayune, MS

a) Next Meeting- October 18

10. Adjournment- 8:21PM

October Meeting -- 10/18/18

Good evening ladies,

Tomorrow night is our meeting of Sassi Strippers. We should have a fun time. Elsie and Mynan are doing a program on Surprise Stitching.  Please bring a large eye needle and a pair of scissors.

We will talk about our class this Sat with Tracy Gallagher on collage and our Christmas Party. We will also discuss new officers.

Attached are the minutes of our last meeting,

Hope to see every one there.
