Wednesday, April 17, 2019

April Meeting CANCELLED

I just received word from Jones Creek Library that they will be closed tomorrow due to the upcoming storm we are expecting. Due to this and the danger of the situation the April meeting is cancelled. 
We will do fabric wreaths at a later meeting when Linda is available. 
I will send out information for the overnight trip May 3 and 4 in the next couple days.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

SSQG Minutes -- March 21, 2019

SSQG Meeting Agenda
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Minutes taken by ___Marilyn

  1. President/Call to order (Cheryl M.) – 6:34 p.m.
  2. Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests – 15 members
  3. Reading of the minutes and motion to accept –
    1. Motion made by: Mynan
    2. Motion seconded by: Sharon H.
    3. Accepted by membership? - yes
  4. Reports of officers and committees
    1. Treasurer’s report (Fran F.) –
      1. Beginning Balance: $1,077.25
      2. Deposits: $48.00
      3. Expenditures: $65.67 (batting)
      4. Ending Balance: $1,059.58
      5. Motion to accept:
        1. Motion made by: Betty
        2. Motion seconded by: Elsie
        3. Accepted by membership? - yes
    2. VP/Programming (Pam T.) – Nothing new to report.
    3. Secretary (Marilyn H.) – Nothing new to report.
    4. Historian/Blog site (Elsie H.) - Elsie showed photos from The Giving Quilt Show stuff-a-bear table. Since the SSQG Blogspot will no longer be able to host large numbers of photos, Pam will try to set up a group Facebook page for Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild members.
    5. Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Mynan) – Elsie showed a UFO and selected an item from the basket. Betty and Valerie selected items for showing UFOs at a previous meeting.
    6. Tabs (Mynan G.) – Mynan can deliver tabs to the Ronald McDonald house on April 26 or May 10. Cheryl will send a group email to find out who can accompany Mynan.
    7. Door Prizes (Valerie K.) - Cheryl, Betty, Karol.
    8. Just Do It (SSQG membership) – Potential drivers for the May 3rd and 4th overnight trip to quilt stores in Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida are Sharon H., Mynan and Valerie. Eleven members are currently planning to attend. Plans will be finalized at the April meeting.
    9. Quilt Show (SSQG membership) – Cheryl will verify with Miss Yvonne at the Jones Creek Library that the show will hang in July.
    10. Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Karen W.) Both were absent. Nothing new to report.
    11. Red/white/blue quilts – A date will be set at the April meeting for delivery in May of about 20 quilts to the Louisiana War Veterans Home in Jackson, LA.
  5. Unfinished Business – Finding a meeting place while the Jones Creek Library is undergoing renovation has been challenging. Cheryl has checked into all the suggestions that members have made but with no success. The Denham Springs Library has been booked for the August meeting if no other meeting place can be found. More suggestions were made and Mynan will call Vineyard Church as a possibility.
  6. New business – The Broadmoor United Methodist Church garage sale is April 27 at corner Sharp Rd and Mollylea Drive.
  7. Program – Elsie: Tea Dyeing and the Fauxgello class experience. Elsie showed a beautiful quilt that replaces a quilt lost in the flood of 2016. She explained how to Tea Dye fabric to get the color of fabric she needed to complete the quilt. Cheryl, Betty, Valerie and Sharon H. showed their quilts and explained the method of creating a Fauxgello quilt pattern from striped fabric. They had taken a class during The Giving Quilt Show.
  8. Show and Tell – Mynan, Linda B., Betty, Elsie.
  9. Announcements –
    1. Next meeting – Thursday, April 18, 2019. Linda B. will present the program of creating a rag wreath using fabric strips and a metal wreath form that can be bought for $1 at Dollar Tree.
  10. Adjournment – 7:54 p.m.