Monday, October 14, 2019

October Meeting -- October 17, 2019

Our October meeting will be this Thursday, October 17 at 6:30 at Broadmoor United Methodist Church in the Adult Learning Building. 

We will be making port pillows and Betty will show us how to make the burp cloths using the pattern she has. 

Bring your sewing machine, scissors, and extension cords. We will be sewing through velcro so if you want, bring something to remove the sticky from your needle. If you don't want to bring your machine, there will be other jobs to help complete these port pillows, such as stuffing. The following website is the instructions for the port pillows we will be making this Thursday. 


Sunday, October 13, 2019

SSQG Minutes -- September 19, 2019

SSQG Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Minutes taken by __Marilyn

  1. President/Call to order (Cheryl M.) – 6:35 p.m.
  2. Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests – 18 including one new member. Welcome, Dee.
  3. Reading of the minutes and motion to accept –
    1. Motion made by: Merlene
    2. Motion seconded by: Karen
    3. Accepted by membership? - yes
  4. Reports of officers and committees
    1. Treasurer’s report (Fran F.) –
      1. Beginning Balance: $1,051.45
      2. Deposits:
      3. Expenditures: $ 41.74 (replacement bins to store quilt show poles)
      4. Ending Balance: $1,009.71
      5. Motion to accept:
        1. Motion made by: Mynan
        2. Motion seconded by: Becky
        3. Accepted by membership? - yes
    2. VP/Programming (Pam T.) - Next month: lesson on Burp Cloths and sewing Port Pillows for charity.
    3. Secretary (Marilyn H.) –.
    4. Historian (Elsie H.) -
    5. Blog (Marilyn H.)
    6. Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Mynan G. ) - Members who showed UFO’s at previous meeting selected prizes.
    7. Tabs (Mynan) - Still collecting tabs for Ronald McDonald House
    8. Door Prizes (Valerie K.) - Winners tonight: Karol, Betty, Cheryl
    9. Just Do It (Cheryl M.)
    10. Quilt Show (SSQG membership)
    11. Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Karen W.) 300 bears are finished and will be donated along with quilts in October.
    12. Red/White/Blue Quilts (Sharon H./Mynan G.) 5 quilts submitted tonight as well as 45 flag blocks.
  5. Unfinished Business – Sew Day for burp clothes and port pillows will be at the October meeting. The New York Beauty II class taught by Judy Holley will be Saturday, November 2 from 9am to 3 pm at Broadmoor United Methodist Adult Education Building, Room 201.
  6. New business – Christmas Party: Cheryl will try to book the big room at City Cafe for Thursday, December 12 (or Wednesday, December 11).
  7. Program – Merlene, Karen and Monette told about their adventure to the Fall Paducah Quilt Show. They showed the treasures they bought. And, they modeled the jackets they made using Merlene’s pressed flowers technique. Pam demonstrated how to make Port Pillows and played a video with an alternate method.
  8. Show and Tell – Sharon, Merlene, Karen, Monette, Betty, Becky, Valerie, Fran, Pam, Dee, Marilyn.
  9. Announcements –
    1. Next meeting – Thursday, October 17, 2019
  10. Adjournment – 8:25 p.m.