Monday, February 17, 2020

February Meeting -- February 20, 2020


We will be meeting this Thursday, February 20 at 6:30 p.m. at Broadmoor United Methodist Church, Room 204 in Baton Rouge. I have attached the minutes from our January meeting.  

We will be updating the membership list as of March 1st. If you have not already sent in your 2020 application and dues, you will want to do that. I have attached the application form. You may turn them in this Thursday at our meeting, or mail them to me by Feb 29th. 

Becky Frederick will be doing a program on the "Lotus Bag" this month. 

I look forward to seeing all of you this Thursday!

Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild Membership Application

Application for Membership ______Renewal ______New Member
Annual Dues: $12.00 Pro Rate in June: $6.00 (Make check payable to Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild)

GSQA membership number: _______________ Chapter Name: _________________________

Name: (please print)___________________________________________________________________
 Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________ State: ________ Zipcode: ________________________

Phone: home ____________________________ cell ______________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________________________________________

Birthday: month ______________ day _________________________
Skill level: beginner _______ intermediate _________ advanced _______ What are your quilting interests? _____ hand piecing _____ machine piecing _____ hand quilting _____machine quilting _____ appliqué _____traditional design _____contempory design
Describe yourself as a quilter (what do you like?): ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
Sewing hobbies: such as, doll making, knitting, crochet, fabric dyeing, embroidery, etc. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Non-sewing hobbies: baskets, painting, crafts? ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
 Program interests / ideas (what would you like to see?) _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

____ *******************For Treasurer’s Use*************************** $_________ received as _______ check / or _________ cash Date ___________ Initial ___

SSQG Minutes -- January 16, 2020

SSQG Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Minutes taken by __Marilyn

  1. President/Call to order (Cheryl M.) – 6:33 p.m.
  2. Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests – 19 members
  3. Reading of the minutes and motion to accept –
    1. Motion made by: Elsie H.
    2. Motion seconded by: Becky E.
    3. Accepted by membership? - yes
  4. Reports of officers and committees
    1. Treasurer’s report (Fran F.) –
      1. Beginning Balance: $1,071.71
      2. Deposits:
      3. Expenditures:
      4. Ending Balance: $1,071.71
      5. Motion to accept:
        1. Motion made by: Sharon H.
        2. Motion seconded by: Becky E.
        3. Accepted by membership? - yes
    2. VP/Programming (Pam T.) -
    3. Secretary (Marilyn H.) –.
    4. Historian (Elsie H.) -
    5. Blog (Marilyn H.) -
    6. Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Mynan G. ) -
    7. Tabs (Mynan) – Still collecting for delivery to Ronald McDonald House.
    8. Door Prizes (Valerie K.) -
    9. Just Do It (Cheryl M.)
    10. Quilt Show (SSQG membership)
    11. Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Karen W.): Merlene read a thank you from Woman’s Hospital for the delivery of burp clothes, knit caps and port pillows. Ms. Gayle from the Jones Creek Library has asked SSQG to provide an adult craft night for stuffing bearskins for charity. It will be a Monday during the summer. Merlene distributed bear patterns so members can make more bearskins.
    12. Red/White/Blue Quilts (Sharon H./Mynan G.)
  5. Unfinished Business –
  6. New business - A discussion was held regarding our meeting place while the Jones Creek Library undergoes remodeling. It was decided to continue meeting at Broadmoor United Methodist Church through 2020.
  7. Program –Sharon H. presented a program about a Monthly Color Challenge from Sharon and Mynan have participated in this challenge the past two years. Members also played Bingo with purple and gold fat quarters as the prize. Cheryl won the fat quarters and Merlene won an alternate prize.
  8. Show and Tell : Merlene, Valerie, Marilyn, Monette, Becky F.
  9. Announcements – Gulf States Quilting Association will hold its quarterly meeting on Saturday, January 25 at Broadmoor United Methodist Church. Speaker will be Theresa Duryea Wong who wrote American Cotton: From Farm to Quilt. Guests are welcome to attend.

    1. Next meeting – Thursday, February 20, 2020.
  1. Adjournment – 8 p.m.