Founded in 2005 by quilters who wanted to share their love of quilting with others, our guild's purpose was to promote appreciation and interest in quilting and to provide educational opportunities. Reimagined in 2023 -- The Sassi Stripper Stitchers meets every third Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m at the Jones Creek Library. Come and go during that time. Work on any kind of stitchery. Sharing, show and tell, and fellowship.
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Thursday, January 21, 2021
SSQG November Zoom Meeting Minutes
SSQG Meeting Minutes
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Minutes taken by __Marilyn
President/Call to order (Cheryl M.) – ZOOM meeting – 6:30 pm.
Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests – 7.
Reading of the minutes and motion to accept –
Motion made by: Karen
Motion seconded by: Valerie
Accepted by membership? - yes
Reports of officers and committees
Treasurer’s report (Fran F.) –
Beginning Balance: $1,282.13
Ending Balance: $1,282.13
Motion to accept:
Motion made by: Marilyn
Motion seconded by: Karen
Accepted by membership? - yes
VP/Programming (Pam T.) -
Secretary (Marilyn H.) –.
Blog (Marilyn H.)
Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Mynan G. ) -
Tabs (Mynan) -
Door Prizes (Valerie K.) -
Just Do It (Cheryl M.)
Quilt Show (SSQG membership)
Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Karen W.)
Red/White/Blue Quilts (Sharon H./Mynan G.)
Unfinished Business Slate of Officers for the 2021 SSQG Board are : President – Pam Tennyson, Vice-President – Dee Jeffers, Secretary – Cheryl Myers, Treasurer – Merilyn Wilson.
There were no other nominations from the floor. Motion by Betty to accept the slate as presented; Seconded by Valerie; Motion accepted.
New business December Christmas Party will be by ZOOM on December 10 at 6:30 pm. Suggestions include wearing fun Christmas attire, eating together, door prizes, Zoom friendly games.
Program –
Show and Tell: Valerie, Betty, Merlene, Karen, Cheryl, Fran, Marilyn
Announcements – Cheryl is in contact with the Jones Creek library for future meeting space. If we can’t meet in person just yet, she is hoping to reserve a room before turning over the presidency.
The Giving Quilt is collecting quilts to be delivered to Southwest Louisiana for people in areas affected
by the recent hurricanes. If members have any quilts they would like to donate, contact The Giving
Next meeting – Thursday, December, 10 2020
Adjournment – 7.27 pm.
January 2021 Welcome
Hello my talented beauties,
We welcome 2021 with open arms and gladly say goodbye to 2020! I want to send a big shout out to Cheryl Myers for her services as 2020 SSQG President. I don’t know if we have ever had such a year full of so many challenges to overcome. With her cool and calm demeanor, she was the perfect fit. She met all of those challenges and managed to keep us in contact and to even see each others faces when it was a time of isolation for so many. Cheryl, the guild appreciates all of your efforts, ideas and creativity. You are truly a bright light and we are blessed to have you, thank you so much!
The guild members are very grateful to everyone who served in 2020. Here is a list of all these fabulous women:
President / Just Do It - Cheryl M.
Vice President / Programming - Pam T.
Treasurer - Fran F.
Secretary / Blog - Marilyn H.
Historian - Elsie H.
UFO’s / Tabs - Mynan G.
Door Prizes - Valerie K.
Charity Quilts - Merlene L. & Karen W.
Red/White/Blue - Sharon H. & Mynan G.
Ladies, the guild gives you a standing ovation for the difference that you made in so many lives and we thank you for your service in 2020!
One of our angels on earth, Elsie Hamway, gained her wings in 2020. She was an active guild member and a dear friend who was always sincere, kind, a gentle soul and an extremely talented lady. Elsie, we miss you everyday and it was such an honor to be a part of your life, until we meet again...
So lets continue to make a difference, live, love & laugh! We have lots to discuss, lets welcome our new 2021 SSQG Board:
President - Pam T.
VIce President - Dee J.
Treasurer - Merilyn W.
Secretary - Cheryl M.
We will start collecting dues for the new year and filling the rest of the above positions needed. We would love to have you volunteer to do some much needed service work. Bring your ideas, some hand work to do if you would like and of course, your show n tell or just a tell. So come on, lets get this party started! Zoom with us tonight, January 21 @ 6:30pm for fun, creativity & fellowship!
Humbly yours,
Pam Tennyson