Tuesday, March 15, 2022

February Minutes


SSQG Meeting Minutes

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Minutes taken by Cheryl M.


  1. President/Call to order (Sharon H.) – meeting at Jones Creek library and on ZOOM – 6:35 p.m.

  2. Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests – Guest: Melanie G. (Cheryl’s friend) Members present: Merlene L., Karen W., Marilyn H., Pam T., Karol G., Robin C., Sharon H., Becky E., Valerie K., and Cheryl M.

  3. Reading of the minutes and motion to accept –

    1. Motion made by: Becky E.

    2. Motion seconded by: Valerie K.

    3. Accepted by membership? - yes

  4. Reports of officers and committees

    1. Treasurer’s report (Marilyn H.) –

      1. Beginning Balance: $ 904.13

      2. Deposits: 96.00 (dues)

      3. Expenditures: 0.00

      4. Ending Balance: $ 1,000.13

    1. VP/Programming (Pam T.) – no report

    2. Secretary (Cheryl M.) – no report

    3. Historian / Blog site (Marilyn H.) – everything is up to date on the blog. Nine Patch Project details are on the blog.

    4. Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Valerie K.) – Marilyn H. three UFO quilts

    5. Tabs (Cheryl M.) – Tabs delivery sometime this summer

    6. Door Prizes (Valerie K.) – Karen W., Melanie G., and Robin C.

    7. Just Do It (Pam T.) – 1) Nine Patch Project. 2) perhaps a group outing to the GSQA quilt show in April.

    8. Quilt Show (SSQG membership) – Discussion of possible ways to hang quilts since library remodel.

    9. Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Karen W.) – Nine Patch Project discussed and some quilts shown. The blocks should be 12” finished. Begin with 4 ½” blocks. There was a discussion of a public share day at the library, even if no quilt show. Sharon H. shared that she has the wideback muslin and batting at her house for charity quilts if anyone needs.

    10. Veterans Quilts (Sharon H.) – nothing new

  1. Unfinished Business: NA

  2. New business:

  3. Program – Stuffing bears by the membership and Valentine treats.

  • March – Sharon – First Aid for Quilters

  • April – Kathy S. and Valerie K. – binding tools

  • May – Cheryl - demo Gyleen Fitzgerald’s Pineapple Ruler

  1. Show and Tell – Karen and Cheryl

  2. Announcements –

    1. GSQA quilt show will be April 8 and 9 at the Harbor Center in Slidell, LA.

    2. Sharon shared that there are personal fabric stash sales on the internet. If you are interested, type “personal fabric stash” in the search bar. There are several including Etsy which is at https://www.etsy.com/market/fabric_stash

    3. Next meeting is March 17, 2022.

  1. Adjournment – 8:10 p.m.