Monday, July 25, 2022

July Minutes



Thursday, July 21, 2022

Minutes taken by Cheryl M.

1. President/Call to order (Sharon H.) – meeting at Jones Creek Library – 6:36 p.m.

2. Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests – Guests present: none. Members present: Merlene L., Marilyn H., Karen W., Becky E., Cheryl M., Pam T., Valerie K., Robin C., and Betty B.

3. Reading of the minutes and motion to accept – (Cheryl M.) a) Motion made by: Becky b) Motion seconded by: Betty c) Accepted by membership? - yes

4. Reports of officers and committees

a) Treasurer’s report (Marilyn H.) –

i. Beginning Balance: $991.38

ii. Deposits: 0.00

iii. Expenditures: 0.00

iv. Ending Balance: $ 991.38

v. Motion to accept 1. Motion made by: Becky 2. Motion seconded by: Karen

b) VP/Programming (Pam T.) – Future programs will include some bear stuffing, and a program by Gayle Soileau.

c) Secretary (Cheryl M.) – no report

d) Historian / Blog site (Marilyn H.) – Everything is up to date on the blog. Marilyn brought one of the photo books for the membership to enjoy. She will bring another one next month.

e) Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Valerie K.) – Betty received her reward for her finished UFO from the June meeting.

f) Tabs (Cheryl M.) – Robin brought tabs.

g) Door Prizes (Valerie K.) – Merlene, Robin, and Betty.

h) Just Do It (Pam T.) – Line drawing challenge projects were shared by Cheryl, Robin, Valerie, Marilyn and Becky. A report on the Krotz Springs quilt show from members who went on July 9th . GSQA meeting July 23, Covington 10 am. Shop Hop, July 28 – August 6, not on Sunday July 31, 9:30 – 5 every day.

i) Quilt Show (SSQG membership) –

j) Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Karen W.) – keep making quilts and bears. We have twelve quilts currently. Also many bear skins to stuff.

5. Program – Cheryl gave a demonstration of Gyleen Fitzgerald’s Pineapple Ruler.

6. Show and Tell – Merlene, Betty, and Karen.

7. New Business – Motion was presented by Becky to allow Merlene to purchase an additional roll of batting and another box of stuffing for bears. The motion was seconded by Marilyn and accepted by the membership.

8. Announcements – a) Next meeting is August 18 at 6:30 pm.

9. Adjournment – 8:10 p.m

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

July Meeting

Hello our talented beauties,

We hope all of you are surviving the heat by quilting or crafting inside!  We will be having our Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild Meeting at the Jones Creek Library on July 21, 2022 @ 6:30pm.   

At the meeting, I will be filling in for our fabulous President, Sharon Holder, due to a prior appointment that she has scheduled.  We want to thank Judy Holley for her wonderful and very inspirational program last month. 

Can’t wait for our July program by Cheryl Myers.  She will be demoing the Pineapple Ruler by Gyleen Fitzgerald.  Cheryl loves this technique and has made many beautiful blocks with this ruler.  So come on, bring your tabs, projects, UFO’s, show-n-tell and join me for some creativity, fun and fellowship!

Humbly yours,

Pam Tennyson & Sharon Holder