Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild Meeting Minutes - May 2012

Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild Meeting Minutes – May 17, 2012

President Becky Fincher called meeting to order at 6:30pm welcoming 14 members. 

Secretary’s report was accepted by Elsie Hamway and Valerie Valle, respectively.

Treasurer Heidi Brochard reported a balance of $1,220.73 in the SSQG account. There were no deposits or withdrawals made to the account during the month of April.   A copy of the treasurer’s report was given to the secretary.  Treasurer’s report was accepted by Karol Guidry and Jessie Comeaux, respectively.   

Blog Site – Valerie Valle

                Valerie provided an overview of posts and the blogsite.  Meeting minutes are posted on the blogsite.  If anyone has info to be posted on the blogsite, please give it to Valerie Valle. 

Guild members are encouraged to look at the blog site to access meeting minutes, pictures of guild events, etc. and also to make comments on the posts.  The address for the blog site is


                Madeline Monroe is the guild contact for this charity project.  Please detach the flip tops from all aluminum soda, soup, juice, vegetable, etc. cans.  Bring them to the meeting.  Tabs will be sent to Ronald McDonald House in Monroe for another year.  Becky’s sister will take them when she travels to Monroe.   Valerie Barth sent a thank you note to the OLOL blood bank for collecting can tops for our guild’s donation.  Becky Fincher has enough can tabs to make another donation to the Ronald McDonald House at this time.

Unfinished Projects (UFO’s) – Jessie Comeaux 

Jessie Comeaux is the chair for 2012 and has copies of forms for members to sign up.  The quilt needs to be quilted and finished to be counted as completing the UFO.  You can add a quilt at any stage to the list (blocks, fabric, kit, etc.) at the start.  It’s not too late to sign up for the UFO challenge.  Just give your list to Jessie Comeaux.   Jessie reported that Valerie Valle is winning the UFO challenge at this time.  The guild has finished 10 UFO’s so far this year.  Get quilting ladies…

Quilt Show – August 2012

                We are back on the books for our annual quilt show at the Jones Creek library.  Our month is August once again.  Betty Braud and Renee Hoeprich will co-chair the show.   The quilt show committee met at the library on May 10th to discuss the details of the show.

                Most quilts will not be able to be hung until August because the library has another display planned for July. 

                Bring all quilts/display items to the July meeting (July 19th is the meeting date).  All quilts must have labels and hanging sleeves.  If you cannot attend the July meeting, please contact the show chairs to arrange for alternate drop off time.  Dates for hanging the quilts will be decided with help from the library.

This year we are looking at having some stands for quilted jackets.  If you have wearables, please let Merlene know and she will arrange that they have a stand to be displayed.  There will be a small AAQI quilt display as part of the show and our charity bears will be on display in a laundry basket.

                Betty provided an update on the planning process at the May meeting.   The title of the show will be Kaleidoscope of Quilts 2012, so that eventually the name of the show will get some recognition.  Revised entry forms will be distributed and Valerie Valle is helping to update the forms.  Renee will bring the forms to the next meeting.  There will be one form needed for each quilt and one form needed for the items on loan for display.  The entry forms will supply the entry rules and will include info on how to add a hanging sleeve on your quilt.

                During the show the quilts will each have a number and display the name of the quilt on the card which will accompany the quilt.  We have 34 poles, the longest being 73”.  If you want to display a quilt larger than 73” please contact a committee member.  Some quilts may have to be folded if it’s too large to safely hang from a sleeve.  The committee now has the hangers in their possession. 

                Members from each organization receiving charity quilt donations will be invited to the open house.  One quilt will be given to each group during the show and the remainder of the quilts will be on display during the entire duration of the show.  Karol will contact Cancer Services and Jessie will contact the Veteran’s Home to invite them to the open house and let them know that their organizations have been chosen to receive the community service quilts this year.

                Items are needed to display in cases (purses, pillows, pin cushions, anything with a sew/quilt motif).  The committee is looking for a volunteer to set up the display.  If you are interested, please contact the chairs for the show.

                There will be an open house on Saturday, August 18, 2012.  The time will be from 10am-1pm or 11am-2pm.  This date still needs to be cleared with the library, its tentative at this time.  Voting for viewer’s choice quilts will be held during the open house.  There will be ribbons given to winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd place) of the viewer’s choice selection.  There will be various demonstrations to the open house: a felt board to arrange quilt blocks and coloring pages for the kids, a community sewing machine to make pillowcases or bears (later to be donated), locker-hooking (Becky Frederick), Alt. quilt demo (Valerie Valle), handquilting (Jessie Comeaux), redwork (Merlene), Swedish embroidery (Elsie Hamway).

Krotz Springs Quilt Guild

                The Sassi Strippers accepted the invitation from the Krotz Springs Quilt Guild to bring a show and tell of our quilts to their quilt show which will be held on Saturday, July 14th from 10am-2pm.  Lunch will be included and the Sassi Strippers would need to be in Krotz Springs for approximately four hours.  More discussion to come in the future about transportation and logistics.  You can bring as many quilts as you would like to the show and tell. The Krotz Springs quilt show will include a “boutique” with items for sale.  There will be door prizes given as part of the quilt show.  Jessie has the directions.


See email from Valerie Valle on May 30, 2012 –

(Info from Jessie follows)

Krotz Springs Quilt Show

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

At the Alon Rec Club Building, 324 South Levee Road, Krotz Springs, LA

Free Admission / Free Parking / Handicap accessible

Door prizes available, Indoor Display of Beautiful Quilts, Raffle Quilt - Tickets $1.00, Silent Auction, Quilts for Sale, Boutique with lots of great buys, Mystery & Challenge Quilt Exhibit and Needle Work Demonstrations

Our Guest Quilters this year: The Sassy Strippers

Hand Quilting at the Rural Life Museum

The Rural Life Museum wants folks to hand quilt at the museum on Mondays and Tuesdays.  Renee has volunteered to help.  The group meets for 2 hours on Monday and Tuesday in an “old time” quilt bee fashion.  For more information, contact Renee.  Jessie Comeaux appeared in the newspaper while quilting there.

Teddy Bear’s for Kids

                Merlene Lewis presented this charity project before the guild last year (as noted in August 2011 minutes and voted on in November 2011).  Our Lady Of The Lake Regional Medical Center Emergency Room called & notified Merlene that they very much wanted the bears Sassi Strippers was offering to make for child patients. The lady asked her how many were already made up & could she deliver them right away.   Merlene read a thank-you card during the May 2012 meeting from the OLOL Children’s Hospital for the first batch of bear donations.  The hospital mentioned that they look forward to getting more bears.

Karol Guidry sent an email to the guild members on April 2, 2012 which included the instructions for the bears. 

Please feel free to make as many as you would like to & bring them to the next meeting.  If you do not have the instructions, please let us know and we can provide extra copies at the next meeting.

They can be made of materials you have in your stash, plaids, prints, solids or Flannel, what ever you want to use.  Please let us know if anyone would like some of the guild’s donated fabric to make the bears.  Let’s keep this project going for the remainder of the year. 


Charity Quilts

                The guild will use its donated fabric to construct charity quilts.  We will be using the Bento box pattern.  Valerie Valle sent out an email to the guild on May 17, 2012 with the pattern instructions.  Lap size quilts will be made.

Two charities were contacted for possible quilt donation – Cancer Services on Lobdell, which will take any size quilts, and a veteran’s home, which will take lap/twin quilts.

At this time all the fabric has been distributed to wash and press.   I thank you for your help.  The remaining donated fabric has been organized into two bins to be cut and bagged to create kits.  Becky Frederick and Pam Tennyson took fabric home after the May meeting and returned some quilt kits to the group.  Renee has the kits for distribution.  Thank you ladies for the help.  Also, thank you to the folks that washed the fabrics prior to the May meeting and folks that have since been working on the quilts.


Block of the Month - Becky

                 We are doing a block of the month project for 2012.  Becky Fincher is the guild contact for this activity.  Becky sent out an email with the details as well as the blocks for January, February, and March.  Please note that each block will be 12” finished.  Several members brought their blocks.

See 2/23/12 email to guild from Becky Fincher (copy below)…

Dear Ladies,

I don't know where the last week went. I apologize for taking a week to get this out. I will have printouts at the next meeting to be copied if you have problems downloading. Call me if you have a problem and maybe I can walk you thru. I went back to for free blocks we can use. Each person will be making their own quilt.

Fancy Stripes for January, Mr. Roosevelt's Necktie for February, and Four Corners for March, if you want more let me know.

Enjoy making new blocks,

Becky Fincher

The April block is Soaring Past Time and the May block is the Snowball block.   Please remember that we are making 12” finished blocks.

Program – Merlene Lewis

Merlene made a presentation to the group on her quilted jackets.  These are beautiful pieces of work and many have had the honor of traveling with the Hoffman challenge exhibit.

Door Prize Drawing

                Andrea Keith is the guild contact in charge of door prizes.  These were items donated by other guild members or members of the quilting community.  If there is something that you don’t use or have a duplicate of something in your quilt room, please consider donating it to the group to use as a door prize.  Stay tuned for more chances to win a door prize at a future quilt meeting.   Winners were drawn during the May meeting.

Show and Tell

There were 14 folks in attendance at the meeting – 14 members.

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