I will be moving the Christmas Projects to my personal blog. You can click on the link and get to my blog or you can search Quilts and Dog and find it that way. The link is the words "Christmas Project" if that wasn't clear.
You can follow along with several projects I do there and you are welcome to become followers or just drop in from time to time and say hi!
I currently have a Bug Jar Tutorial up on my blog if anyone is interested in putting one together.
glen: see ya over there!

Founded in 2005 by quilters who wanted to share their love of quilting with others, our guild's purpose was to promote appreciation and interest in quilting and to provide educational opportunities. Reimagined in 2023 -- The Sassi Stripper Stitchers meets every third Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m at the Jones Creek Library. Come and go during that time. Work on any kind of stitchery. Sharing, show and tell, and fellowship.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Tumey's Travels - Quilt show video
Here's a link to the WAFB video: Tumey's Travels - Quilt Show (Aug 19)
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Upcoming Sew Days
We have 2 Saturday sew days scheduled at the library for September to complete the Wonky House quilt top.
Sat, 9/10 - 9am-1pm (Room 3)
Sat, 9/17 - 9am-1pm (Room 3)
Please send an email out to the group.
Thanks, Valerie Barth
Sat, 9/10 - 9am-1pm (Room 3)
Sat, 9/17 - 9am-1pm (Room 3)
Please send an email out to the group.
Thanks, Valerie Barth
SSQG July 21, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild
July 21, 2011
Vice President, Becky Fincher opened the meeting at 6:35 p.m.
Minutes from the June meeting were approved with a motion by Glenda Parks and seconded by Jessie Comeaux.
Treasurer, Paula St. Romain, was out of town due to the death of her mother and there was no treasurer’s report this month.
Becky reminded everyone that we are still collecting the tabs from aluminum cans. A delivery of the tabs was made to the Ronald McDonald House and a nice thank you note was received by the guild.
Glenda Parks reported on the guild retreat. Everyone is attendance had a great time and got lots of work done.
Valerie Barth reported that a total of 15 charity quilts will be completed for the library quilt show. Each charity will receive two quilts at the open house on August 6 and the remainder of the charity quilts will be on display until the end of the quilt show.
The August quilt show at the library was the main topic of the meeting tonight. Work days for the preparation of the Quilt Show will be on July 28 and 29 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. each day. On July 28 the quilts will be hung from the ceiling throughout the library and on July 29 the display for the walls and glass cases will be done.
Viewers’ Choice ballots are designed and ready for the August 6 open house which will be from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Quilts will have numbers and the public will be able to vote. Ribbons for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded.
A sew day will be held at the library on Saturday, July 23 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to finish up last minute details on the charity quilts. Valerie Barth reported that the Wonky House blocks can also be worked on at the sew day on the 23rd. Members can also pick up fabric that day to work on the blocks at home. Deadline for the house blocks is the August meeting. The quilt which will be donated to Habitat is needed for November. The top needs to be finished by October 1st in order to be finished in time; it will be quilted by Jessie Comeaux.
Quilts were accepted for the quilt show and a show and tell was held. Additional quilts for the show can be turned in at the sew day on Saturday, July 23 at the library.
The strip exchange was not held this month. We will catch up at the August meeting. Color strip for August is brown.
Dee Jeffers reported that LPB3 has been showing several quilt related shows: Fons and Porter on Tuesday and Thursday; Georgia Bonesteel on Wednesday and Sunday; and Martha Pullen on Monday and Friday.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Braud
In the absence of Secretary, Karol Guidry
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Quilt Show in the Advocate
Dee Jeffers just phoned me. She received word that pictures and interviews that were taken during the demo on Saturday, Aug 6, will appear in the Magazine section of the Advocate, tomorrow, Sunday, Aug 14.
Whoo Hoo!
Edit to post. If you click on the title, it will take you to the article on the Advocate's website.
Whoo Hoo!
Edit to post. If you click on the title, it will take you to the article on the Advocate's website.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Next project for the Christmas Project bag
Did you make your bag yet? Get on the stick, hurry! We are getting ready to fill them up!
The next project is one for you! Yes, you get a present for yourself!
Mini Design Boards!
Of course you can make them any size you want, I am going to make mine 12 1/2 inches because you can use any size blocks on them and they just take up two more inches over the 10 inch boards.............whew! And you know you will just want them bigger if you make them smaller!
Yeah, you will. And they are easy peasy! Although her music drives me crazy insane.........
Anyway, the link is included in the posting. If you want to put the cutesy binding on your board, just click where she says HERE and you will automatically go to the next post.
glen: make several!
The next project is one for you! Yes, you get a present for yourself!
Mini Design Boards!
Of course you can make them any size you want, I am going to make mine 12 1/2 inches because you can use any size blocks on them and they just take up two more inches over the 10 inch boards.............whew! And you know you will just want them bigger if you make them smaller!
Yeah, you will. And they are easy peasy! Although her music drives me crazy insane.........
Anyway, the link is included in the posting. If you want to put the cutesy binding on your board, just click where she says HERE and you will automatically go to the next post.
glen: make several!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Pictures from the quilt show Open House Aug 6, 2011
Just scroll down and see them all!
Betty, ValerieB and Jan |
Braveheart lady sewing |
Dee teaching YoYos |
Becky and Diane Deaton on Strips of Love Quilt |
Diane Deaton on Strips of Love Quilt |
Habitat lady on Strips of Love Quilt |
Habitat Lady on Strips of Love Quilt |
MAN! |
Martha Sewing Strips of Love Quilt |
Pre-teens are interested in sewing as well |
Even teenagers got in on the fun |
And of course Dee made Yo Yos! |
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Quilt show Viewer's Choice awards
The Quilt show has been a great success so far. We counted the votes at 2pm this afternoon and here are the Viewer's Choices:
1st place - #9 Bubbles by Merlene Lewis
2nd place - #48 Redwork Romance by Karol Guidry
3rd place - #33 Fairies by Jessie Comeaux
The library visitors and staff love the exhibit and many of them had a difficult time choosing just one quilt or item as their favorite. Congratulations to the winners!
Valerie Valle - bean counter (uh, I mean ballot counter)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Reusable Grocery Shopping Bag
This will be our first project. I think all the bugs have been worked out of the process but don't shoot me if there is an error somewhere. It is nothing glaring or wrong. The bag is really simple to make and will hold the other projects I will send along for you to try.
This uses up a yard of fabric and leaves you with some scraps for a scrappy quilt down the road. You can make a ton of these reusable bags and use for grocery shopping, toting small items around and generally carrying stuff. You can use this bag as a wrapping for other gifts, just adjust the size to the package you are wrapping. Think outside the box when choosing fabrics to make yours unique and adorable. Can you think of someone on your Christmas list who just needs 3 or 4 of these babies?
Reusable Grocery Bag (11” x 12” x 8”)
1 yard fabric
Sewing machine and general sewing tools
Instructions (Use ½ “ seam unless noted)
1. Cut:
Bag Body – Cut two 18” x 20” rectangles
2. Cut 4 inch squares from the bottom of the bag along the 20” side. The 18” sides will be the bag sides. If you do this wrong, don’t worry, the bag will be wider and shorter.
3. With right sides together stitch bag panels along the bottom of the bag. Press seam to one side and top stitch ¼ “ along the side of seam to strengthen bottom of bag.
4. Stitch the side seams using the same method.
5. Open the bag and match the bottom seam with a side seam. Sew along the edge to form the boxed bottom. Make sure you tack your stitches at both ends to secure your thread.
6. Make the handles by folding the strips in half lengthwise and pressing. Open out strip and fold up the bottom to meet the center pressed seam. Press. Do the same for the top section. Then fold the strip on the original pressed center seam. This creates your handle.
7. Attach handles to bag. Turn bag to right side out. Measure 6 inches from the side seam along the top and mark. Do this for all 4 handle placements. Put handles on marks with ½ inch extending over top edge of bag. Be careful not to twist handles. Machine baste in place.
8. Stitch band pieces together along both short sides making a circle. Press seams open. Press under ½ inch along one side of band. Stitch to finish seam.
10. Top stitch along top edge of bag to define top seam. Top stitch bottom of facing to bag to keep facing in place.
11. To give definition to the bag creases, measure 4 inches on both sides of the side seam parallel to each side seam. Fold along this mark and sew very close to the edge from the bottom of the bag to the top of the bag. This creates creases and makes the bag form a square shopping bag.
12. Optional Insert: fold under ¼ inch on narrow end of each bottom insert. Fold over again and sew for finished seam. Put right sides together and sew around the three sides that are not already seamed to form a pocket. Turn to right side out. Use cardboard or mesh cut to the size of the bottom of the bag to create a stiff bag bottom.
This uses up a yard of fabric and leaves you with some scraps for a scrappy quilt down the road. You can make a ton of these reusable bags and use for grocery shopping, toting small items around and generally carrying stuff. You can use this bag as a wrapping for other gifts, just adjust the size to the package you are wrapping. Think outside the box when choosing fabrics to make yours unique and adorable. Can you think of someone on your Christmas list who just needs 3 or 4 of these babies?
Reusable Grocery Bag (11” x 12” x 8”)
1 yard fabric
Sewing machine and general sewing tools
Instructions (Use ½ “ seam unless noted)
1. Cut:
Bag Body – Cut two 18” x 20” rectangles
Bag handles – Cut a 5” x WOF then cut exactly in half to make two 5’
strips Webbing may be substituted for fabric as handles
If you want a bottom insert – cut two 8 ½” x 11 ½” rectangles
2. Cut 4 inch squares from the bottom of the bag along the 20” side. The 18” sides will be the bag sides. If you do this wrong, don’t worry, the bag will be wider and shorter.
3. With right sides together stitch bag panels along the bottom of the bag. Press seam to one side and top stitch ¼ “ along the side of seam to strengthen bottom of bag.
4. Stitch the side seams using the same method.
5. Open the bag and match the bottom seam with a side seam. Sew along the edge to form the boxed bottom. Make sure you tack your stitches at both ends to secure your thread.
Top stitch on the open edge, the closed edge and down the center for stability.
7. Attach handles to bag. Turn bag to right side out. Measure 6 inches from the side seam along the top and mark. Do this for all 4 handle placements. Put handles on marks with ½ inch extending over top edge of bag. Be careful not to twist handles. Machine baste in place.
8. Stitch band pieces together along both short sides making a circle. Press seams open. Press under ½ inch along one side of band. Stitch to finish seam.
9. Attach band to top of bag, right sides together matching seams. Stitch with a ½ “ seam allowance. Press seam toward facing. Turn bag right side out. Turn facing to inside and press to inside of bag on seam.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Christmas Projects - All from your stash
A while back I saw that a quilting blog had started a Christmas Group. It works like this.
The first week you make a tote bag or box. The rest of the weeks you put what you make into this bag/box and at Christmas you have all your presents made.
Each week she gives out a project. Can be simple like a pot holder. Or a tote bag. Or a jewelry holder.
And instructions.
And everyone follows along making it using up their stash. It goes into the bag/box for Christmas give aways. It is also good to dig into when you need a present during the year for a shower or friend/family birthday.
So I will put together one as a countdown until this Christmas. We can get at least 20 things done before this Christmas, use up stash and develop skills we may not have. Learn fun new things. And have presents ready for Christmas giving.
Who wants to join in? It will go on the blog, so you can view the blog at:
You don’t have to do anything special but if you want to follow the blog you can receive new posts as they are posted. Or you can just go to the blog and see the info each week. Of course we would like you to follow the blog because participation is always more fun!
The first week you make a tote bag or box. The rest of the weeks you put what you make into this bag/box and at Christmas you have all your presents made.
Each week she gives out a project. Can be simple like a pot holder. Or a tote bag. Or a jewelry holder.
And instructions.
And everyone follows along making it using up their stash. It goes into the bag/box for Christmas give aways. It is also good to dig into when you need a present during the year for a shower or friend/family birthday.
So I will put together one as a countdown until this Christmas. We can get at least 20 things done before this Christmas, use up stash and develop skills we may not have. Learn fun new things. And have presents ready for Christmas giving.
Who wants to join in? It will go on the blog, so you can view the blog at:
You don’t have to do anything special but if you want to follow the blog you can receive new posts as they are posted. Or you can just go to the blog and see the info each week. Of course we would like you to follow the blog because participation is always more fun!
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