Attached is the 2012 UFO Challenge sign up sheet.

Founded in 2005 by quilters who wanted to share their love of quilting with others, our guild's purpose was to promote appreciation and interest in quilting and to provide educational opportunities. Reimagined in 2023 -- The Sassi Stripper Stitchers meets every third Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m at the Jones Creek Library. Come and go during that time. Work on any kind of stitchery. Sharing, show and tell, and fellowship.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
SSQG Meeting - 2/16/12
Our Febuary Meeting is this Thursday Night. Remember to bring your Brown Bag for the exchange to the meeting if you wish to participate in the exchange.
2 yards of fabric in a brown bag
Jessie has invited Sherry Herringshaw to present something new to us.
Happy Quilting,
Becky Fincher
Saturday, February 4, 2012
SSQG Meeting Minutes - 19 January 2012
January 19, 2012 Meeting Minutes
President Becky Fincher called meeting to order at 6:30pm
welcoming thirteen members and five guests.
Becky introduced the new board members to the guild – Becky
Fincher – President; Jessie Comeaux – Vice President; Valerie Barth –
Secretary; Heidi Brochard – Treasurer.
Becky presented the changes to the by-laws which were made
in 2011 re: how the new officer’s terms start in January.
Becky read the organization’s purpose. Becky made the by-laws electronic and these
will be posted to the guild’s blog site.
The 2012 membership form will also be posted to the blog site.
Secretary’s report was accepted by Elsie Hamway and Jessie
Comeaux, respectively.
Treasurer Heidi Brochard reported a balance of $692.23 in
the SSQG account. A copy of the
treasurer’s report was given to the secretary.
Andrea Keith and Karol Guidry accepted treasurer’s report, respectively.
Old business –
Projects (UFO’s) – Jessie Comeaux
were 10 players in 2011. There were a
total of 20 out of 144 projects completed.
1st place went to Jessie Comeaux and 2nd place
went to Karol Guidry. Karol Guidry was
given a prize.
Jessie will remain the chairman
for 2012 and had copies of forms for members to sign up. An email will be sent with the sign up
forms. The quilt needs to be quilted and
finished to be counted as completing the UFO.
You can add a quilt at any stage to the list (blocks, fabric, kit, etc.)
at the start.
Teddy Bear’s for
NICU/Em. Room at BR General (Bluebonnet location)
Lewis presented this charity project before the guild last year (as noted in
August 2011 minutes and voted on in November 2011). She spoke with the hospital and is awaiting
confirmation/approval by her contacts.
She will provide update during next meeting. The guild would make teddy bears out of
donated fabric for the patents. Merlene
has a copy of the pattern to be used.
Strip Challenge
from 2011
brought her strips to the meeting. The
guild decided that we would not have a strip challenge this year.
Wonky House Quilt
– Habitat for Humanity Art Auction
Barth to contact Lynn Clarke, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity, to
find out how much the quilt made in the auction.
Monroe will be the new guild contact for this charity project. Please detach the flip tops from all aluminum
soda, soup, juice, vegetable, etc. cans.
Bring them to the meeting. Guild
voted to continue this charity project and send the tabs to Ronald McDonald
Children’s hospital in Monroe for another year.
Becky’s sister will take them when she travels to Monroe.
Recycled Greeting
Barth will continue to collect used greeting cards to send to St. Jude’s Ranch
for children. The children take the
cards and cut the backs off and use them to create new cards which are sold to
benefit their organization. All types of cards are accepted, Christmas,
Birthday, Thank-you, etc.
Blog Site
Valle will continue to be moderator of the blog site. The guild’s new board members were given
access to create new posts on the blog site.
Guild members are encouraged to look at the blog site to access meeting
minutes, pictures of guild events, etc. and also to make comments on the posts. The address for the blog site is
Guild Cookbooks
Keith purchased three cookbooks. Any member
who would like to purchase a cookbook should contact a guild board member. The cookbooks are $5 each. Karol Guidry has the guild cookbooks, bingo
game, and roll of tickets which and will bring them to the next meeting to turn
them over to the new board members.
Door Prizes
Keith is the new guild contact in charge of door prizes. Jessie Comeaux
provided Andrea with the guild’s door prize collection. These were items donated by other guild
members or members of the quilting community.
If there is something that you don’t use or have a duplicate of
something in your quilt room, please consider donating it to the group to use
as a door prize. Stay tuned for more
chances to win a door prize at a future quilt meeting.
New business -
Quilt Guild Book
Sassi Strippers were given a collection of magazines/quilt books after the last
library quilt show in August 2011. The
guild will have a book sale in March at Valerie Barth’s house. It was decided at the meeting that only Sassi
Strippers members will be invited to this first book sale. This way the members can have the first
choice in the books/magazines. The guild
decided that soft covers will be sold for $3, hard cover books would be $5, and
large hard cover/soft cover newer editions and a choice of 12 magazines would
be sold for $10. The money raised will
be tallied and used for bringing in special speakers this year. Once the first sale is complete, the guild
may have a second book sale that will be open to all BTR quilters. The sale date will be announced at the next
meeting. Valerie Barth and Jessie
Comeaux will organize the books/magazines for the sale.
Krotz Springs
Quilt Guild
Comeaux received an invitation from the Krotz Springs Quilt Guild to bring a
show and tell of our quilts to their quilt show which will be held on July 14th. Jessie sent a follow-up email to the guild to
solicit interest on this topic. Lunch
will be included and the Sassi Strippers would need to be in Krotz Springs for
approximately four hours.
Quilt Show –
August 2012
are back on the books for our annual quilt show at the Jones Creek
library. Our month is August once
again. Betty Braud and Renee Hoeprich
will co-chair the show. Becky will talk
to Ms. Gayle and Ms. Yvonne to schedule the dates to hang and take down the
quilts. Valerie Barth will help with
public relations. Merlene will
participate on the committee. Betty and Renee will provide and update at the
next meeting as the planning is set to begin.
New activities – The guild voted on the following
activities for 2012:
Fabric swap – Bring 2 yards of a fabric of your choice to
next month’s meeting. The fabric must be
put in a brown paper bag. Please do not
put your name on the bag. We will have a
person that is not participating that will log in the bags and hand them back
out to a new person. The finished quilts
need to incorporate the fabric that you receive and also any other fabrics of
your choice. The size of the quilt must be a lap size or greater. The finished quilts should be brought back to
the Christmas party and the original fabric owner will get their finished
quilt. Please do not tell anyone whose
fabric you receive, as it should be a surprise at the end of the year. Please
keep a swatch of your fabric – just in case you forget which fabric you
supplied by December.
Rene offered to provide a lecture on threads.
The guild would like to conduct a tool/ruler/technique
demo night.
The guild would like to have a night for demonstrating
how to join the ends of your binding and binding techniques.
The guild would like to play the LCR game with charm
squares or bingo with fat quarters.
The guild decided to use some of the fabric that was
donated to make lotto block kits. The
kits would be chosen based on new block techniques and if you bring your block
back the next month, you would get a chance to win the entire stack of
blocks. If a member does not finish the
block, the unfinished kit must be returned and will be given to the winner of
the blocks.
The guild will also have demo nights to demonstrate
certain block techniques. Members can
volunteer to demonstrate how to make a block and provide a website where you
can obtain the patterns for the block for free.
Jessie offered to post websites that are
helpful/interesting to quilters to the blog site. Please provide her with your favorite links
during the upcoming meetings.
There will be no birthday activity for this year.
Please wear your fabric nametags to the Sassi Strippers
The Rural Life Museum wants folks to hand quilt at the
museum on Mondays and Tuesdays. Becky has additional contact information if
anyone is interested.
A new group is starting to meet at the Jones Creek
library to work on handwork. There are
no dues or board members. The group is
just a sit and sew group. Anyone is
invited to the Jones Creek library on the first Tuesday of every month at
6:30pm. Any handwork technique is
welcome – cross-stitch, hand applique, hand quilting, etc.
Becky will send out the next meeting reminder.
Valerie Valle to provide April Reeves with access to post
items to the blog site as she is the guild’s quilt historian. April will post
photos from show and tell on the blog site in the future.
Show and Tell
There were 18 folks in attendance at the meeting – 13
members and 5 guests.
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