Good afternoon everybody:
Just wanted to share some more finds:
This is is full of eye candy and she has some cute tutorials for the 4 seasons. She also has a link for her scrap quilts that are a breath of fresh ideas.
Have you been to Tip Nut? It has just about everything you need to know about cooking, cleaning, embroidery, quilting, sewing, gardening, and more. I can't remember all of the topics. Did I mention they have free patterns too! You can sign up and they send a newsletter.
I know you have heard of 15 minutes of play. I went back to the site today because I still can't throw away my scraps. She has several different ideas on how to use your made fabric. I hope you will check it out.
Well that's all for today. See everybody tomorrow

Founded in 2005 by quilters who wanted to share their love of quilting with others, our guild's purpose was to promote appreciation and interest in quilting and to provide educational opportunities. Reimagined in 2023 -- The Sassi Stripper Stitchers meets every third Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m at the Jones Creek Library. Come and go during that time. Work on any kind of stitchery. Sharing, show and tell, and fellowship.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
August 2012 Meeting Minutes
Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild Meeting Minutes – August 16, 2012
President Becky Fincher called meeting to order at 6:30pm
welcoming 14 members and 1 guest.
The meeting minutes were accepted by Jessie Comeaux and
Valerie Valle, respectively.
Treasurer Heidi Brochard reported a balance of $1,220.73 in
the SSQG account. There were no deposits or withdrawals made to the account
during the month of July. A copy of the treasurer’s report was given to
the secretary. Treasurer’s report was
accepted by Elsie Hamway and Renee Hoeprich, respectively.
Quilt Show –
August 2012
Betty Braud gave an update on
the details of the show. The members
started hanging the quilts on Thursday and Friday, July 26th and 27th
and completed hanging the quilts on Wednesday, August 1st.
Approximately 85 quilts were submitted for hanging this year and many items
were brought for the display cases. The
donation quilts were displayed on the ledges on both sides of the central
lobby. The library staff and the public
were very appreciative of the many talents of our members. The guest book that was on display in the
lobby contained many positive remarks about the show and the quilts.
Many members showed up for the
work days and the committee appreciated all the help that was provided. Hanging this show is time consuming and hard
work, but many hands made it possible.
Our demo day was on Saturday,
August 18th from 11am to 2pm.
We had several demonstrations going on at the time and representatives
from the chosen organizations were invited to receive the quilt donations. The presentation took place at 1:30pm. Cancer Services of Greater Baton Rouge
(contact - Lindsey Wilson in charge of children’s programs) received one of the
quilts that were made during the presentation.
The remaining quilts will be brought to the Veteran’s Home (contacts -
Ms. Charlie Kelly and Mr. Paul Hiestand) and to Cancer Services of Greater
Baton Rouge after the quilt show is taken down.
Bears were made for Our Lady of the Lake children’s hospital during the
show. Viewer’s Choice awards were also
given out during the show. Jessie
Comeaux provided the ribbons for the contest.
The awards went to the following individuals: 1st place - #33
Celebration by Merlene Lewis, 2nd place - #3 Barn Raising by Karol
Guidry, and 3rd place - #83 Lovebird Lane by April Reeves. Renee provided business cards which described
the guild and the meeting time to hand out during the demo day. Refreshments were provided in the library
conference room. Madelon Mitchum ordered
the sandwiches and picked them up from Albertson’s.
The take down day for the
display was Thursday, August 30th. (The take down day was moved up
due to Hurricane Isaac approaching the gulf coast.) Workers helped to organize
and hold the quilts as they were taken down.
Renee took the quilts that were not picked up to her house until she
could meet with the quilt owners due to the expedited schedule.
A quote from Betty Braud at the
last meeting, “I am proud of the work our small guild has done and hope that we
can continue to create quilts for our own enjoyment and to share with those in
need in our community.”
New Business - Planning
for Future Quilt Shows and Activities
The remainder of the August
meeting was spent planning for future meetings and soliciting ideas from the
guild members.
During the August meeting, Becky
requested input from the quilt show committee regarding the following: (1) How
many quilts will we be limited to for future years? 85 quilts, 6 garments
This year we had 18 charity
quilts completed by the August meeting.
For budgeting purposes, there
will be 2 separate line items added to the budget and a vote will be taken to
approve the expenditures at the beginning of the year. One line item is for the
quilt show and the second is for our charity projects.
The guild is looking for a
volunteer to chair the charity quilt committee.
Please contact a board member if you are interested in volunteering for
this role. The person is responsible to
choose a project/pattern and provide it/them to the guild for a vote.
Other items were discussed as possible opportunities for
future meetings/events:
Sit and sew after business meetings
Group activities
Quilt show/charity quilt items
Issue a challenge for our own guild, quilt could
go to charity or to keep
Community outreach project
Field trips
Ideas for modern quilt guilds
DVDs, videos with techniques
Technique demonstrations
Ruler/gadget day
Block swaps
Popcorn and movie night with quilt videos
As a follow-up to the meeting, please ideas send to Becky
Fincher and Jessie Comeaux and they will work to prepare a survey after the
next meeting. April Reeves agreed to
help Becky and Jessie prepare a survey to send to the guild members to take a
vote on future activities.
read an amendment to the treasurer’s duties.
A vote was taken in favor of the updates to the by-laws.
The guild also decided not to
participate in the Giving Quilt challenge this year and to table the
Alzheimer’s Quilts discussion for another time.
Just-Do-It Chair
Pam Tennyson volunteered to
be the guild’s Just-Do-It chair. She
will send out emails every so often planning activities for the guild. The first one was a lunch after the quilt
show demo day at George’s on Coursey and the second event is a Teddy Bears for
Kid’s sew day (Bear Bash Day) at Pam’s house on Saturday, September 15th
at 10am. Contact Pam via email for more
Name the Quilt
Block Game
This game was played as a
guild activity during the August meeting.
Old Business
Blog Site –
Valerie Valle
Meeting minutes and pictures
are posted on the blogsite. If anyone
has info to be posted on the blogsite, please give it to Valerie Valle.
Guild members are encouraged to
look at the blog site to access meeting minutes, pictures of guild events, etc.
and also to make comments on the posts.
The address for the blog site is
Monroe is the guild contact for this charity project. Please detach the flip tops from all aluminum
soda, soup, juice, vegetable, etc. cans.
Bring them to the meeting. Tabs
will be sent to Ronald McDonald House in Monroe for another year. Becky’s sister will take them when she
travels to Monroe.
Unfinished Projects
(UFO’s) – Jessie Comeaux
Jessie Comeaux is the chair for
2012 and has copies of forms for members to sign up. The quilt needs to be quilted and finished to
be counted as completing the UFO. You
can add a quilt at any stage to the list (blocks, fabric, kit, etc.) at the
start. It’s not too late to sign up for
the UFO challenge. Just give your list
to Jessie Comeaux. The guild has
finished 10 UFO’s so far this year through June 2012. Get quilting ladies…
Hand Quilting at
the Rural Life Museum
The Rural Life Museum wants folks
to hand quilt at the museum on Mondays and Tuesdays. Renee has volunteered to help. The group meets from 11am-2pm on Monday and
Tuesday in an “old time” quilt bee fashion.
For more information, contact Renee.
Teddy Bear’s for
Lewis presented this charity project before the guild last year (as noted in
August 2011 minutes and voted on in November 2011). Our Lady Of The
Lake Regional Medical Center Emergency Room called & notified Merlene that
they very much wanted the bears Sassi Strippers was offering to make for child
patients. The hospital mentioned that
they look forward to getting more bears.
Karol Guidry sent an email to
the guild members on April 2, 2012 which included the instructions for the
Please feel free to make as
many as you would like to & bring them to the next meeting. If you do not have the instructions, please
let us know and we can provide extra copies at the next meeting.
They can be made of materials
you have in your stash, plaids, prints, solids or Flannel, what ever you want
to use. Please let us know if anyone
would like some of the guild’s donated fabric to make the bears. Let’s keep this project going for the
remainder of the year.
Charity Quilts
The guild will use its
donated fabric to construct charity quilts.
We will be using the Bento box pattern.
Valerie Valle sent out an email to the guild on May 17, 2012 with the
pattern instructions. Lap size quilts
will be made. Renee provided a handout
with websites that have value layouts and an alternate piecing method during
the June meeting.
Two charities were contacted for possible quilt donation
– Cancer Services on Lobdell, which will take any size quilts, and a veteran’s
home, which will take lap/twin quilts.
There were 18 quilts finished in time for the August
Block of the Month
- Becky
We are doing a block of the month project
for 2012. Becky Fincher is the guild
contact for this activity.
Please note that each block will be 12” finished.
See 2/23/12 email to guild from Becky Fincher (copy
Dear Ladies,
I don't know where the
last week went. I apologize for taking a week to get this out. I will have
printouts at the next meeting to be copied if you have problems downloading.
Call me if you have a problem and maybe I can walk you thru. I went back to for free blocks we can use. Each person will be making their own
Fancy Stripes for
January, Mr. Roosevelt's Necktie for February, and Four Corners for March, if
you want more let me know.
Enjoy making new blocks,
Becky Fincher
The April block is Soaring Past Time and the May block is
the Snowball block.
The June block is Anvil.
July – Lady of Lake II
August – Easy Pieced Butterfly
September – Bear Tracks
See 9/12/12 email from Becky Fincher to guild –
October – Shooting Star 2
November – Sting Stars 2
December – Friendship Circle
Other items
A&E Pharmacy in FL and JoAnn’s gives discounts to
quilt guild members, just show your membership card.
The guild still has cookbooks for sale.
We have a Bingo game and we will be playing in the
Door Prize Drawing
Keith is the guild contact in charge of door prizes. These were items donated by other guild
members or members of the quilting community.
If there is something that you don’t use or have a duplicate of
something in your quilt room, please consider donating it to the group to use
as a door prize. Stay tuned for more
chances to win a door prize at a future quilt meeting. Winners were drawn during the July meeting.
Show and Tell
There were 15 folks in attendance at the meeting – 14
members and 1 guest.
Next Month’s
Jessie Comeaux will present
half square triangle techniques. Please
bring your half square triangle quilts.
October – Healthy Quilting presentation
November – Movie and Popcorn night
December – Guild Christmas Party
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
U tube
Good afternoon:
I just wanted to let you know I found this lady on u tube. It's called Missouri Quilt Company. They have some really neat ideas to use jelly roll, layer cakes and you know all the lingo. But one that I like was called Amazing jelly roll by 3 Guys. I hope you will enjoy this site.
I found a website that has 260 free quilt patterns. I hope that you will find at least one thing you like.
As you all know I love scrap quilts (well any quilt to tell you the truth) I went to Bonnie Hunter's website and she has over 50 quilts to share with you. If you need inspiration check it out
I hope to see you at the next quilt meeting September 20, 2012
I just wanted to let you know I found this lady on u tube. It's called Missouri Quilt Company. They have some really neat ideas to use jelly roll, layer cakes and you know all the lingo. But one that I like was called Amazing jelly roll by 3 Guys. I hope you will enjoy this site.
I found a website that has 260 free quilt patterns. I hope that you will find at least one thing you like.
As you all know I love scrap quilts (well any quilt to tell you the truth) I went to Bonnie Hunter's website and she has over 50 quilts to share with you. If you need inspiration check it out
I hope to see you at the next quilt meeting September 20, 2012
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