Founded in 2005 by quilters who wanted to share their love of quilting with others, our guild's purpose was to promote appreciation and interest in quilting and to provide educational opportunities. Reimagined in 2023 -- The Sassi Stripper Stitchers meets every third Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m at the Jones Creek Library. Come and go during that time. Work on any kind of stitchery. Sharing, show and tell, and fellowship.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
September 2012 Meeting Minutes
Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild Meeting Minutes – September 20, 2012
Secretary Valerie Barth called the meeting to order at
6:30pm welcoming 14 members. President
Becky Fincher arrived a little late due to an appointment, but took over where
Valerie left off on the agenda.
Three new members joined the guild this month – Beverly
Fortenberry, Carolyn Blanchard, and Kathy Sandahl. Welcome new members!
The meeting minutes were accepted by Dee Jeffers and Jessie
Comeaux, respectively.
Treasurer Heidi Brochard was absent from meeting, but sent
Becky Fincher a report to be made regarding the treasury. Becky Fincher reported a balance of $1,220.73
as of August 1, 2012 in the SSQG account. There were deposits of $12.00 (2 paid
memberships) and withdrawals of $445.84 (batting for charity quilts, supplies
for hanging quilts, supplies for jacket stands, sandwich tray for open house) made
to the account during the month of August.
The balance as of August 31, 2012
is $786.89. A copy of the treasurer’s
report was given to the secretary.
Treasurer’s report was accepted as given.
Sharon Holder asked if the guild was registered as a
charitable organization. The guild does
have a tax ID, but is not registered as a federal charitable organization. Sharon offered to look into this registration
for the guild.
Blog Site –
Valerie Valle
Meeting minutes and pictures
are posted on the blogsite. If anyone
has info to be posted on the blogsite, please give it to Valerie Valle.
see new pictures of past meetings and the quilt show posted to the blog site in
September and October 2012.
Guild members are encouraged to
look at the blog site to access meeting minutes, pictures of guild events, etc.
and also to make comments on the posts.
The address for the blog site is http://sassistrippersquiltguild.blogspot.com/
Monroe is the guild contact for this charity project. Please detach the flip tops from all aluminum
soda, soup, juice, vegetable, etc. cans.
Bring them to the meeting. Tabs
will be sent to Ronald McDonald House in Monroe for another year. Becky’s sister will take them when she
travels to Monroe. Thank you Dee, for
your donation of tabs in September!
Unfinished Projects
(UFO’s) – Jessie Comeaux
Jessie Comeaux is the chair for
2012 and has copies of forms for members to sign up. The quilt needs to be quilted and finished to
be counted as completing the UFO. You
can add a quilt at any stage to the list (blocks, fabric, kit, etc.) at the
start. It’s not too late to sign up for
the UFO challenge. Just give your list
to Jessie Comeaux. The guild has
finished 15 UFO’s so far this year through September 2012. Get quilting ladies…
Teddy Bear’s for
Kids (Just Do It Activity for September 2012)
Lewis presented this charity project before the guild last year (as noted in
August 2011 minutes and voted on in November 2011). Our Lady Of The
Lake Regional Medical Center Emergency Room called & notified Merlene that
they very much wanted the bears Sassi Strippers was offering to make for child
patients. The hospital mentioned that
they look forward to getting more bears.
Karol Guidry sent an email to
the guild members on April 2, 2012 which included the instructions for the
Please feel free to make as
many as you would like to & bring them to a future meeting. If you do not have the instructions, please
let us know and we can provide extra copies at the next meeting.
They can be made of materials
you have in your stash, plaids, prints, solids or Flannel, what ever you want
to use. Please let us know if anyone
would like some of the guild’s donated fabric to make the bears. Let’s keep this project going for the
remainder of the year.
An update from the “Just Do It” activity for September
2012- app. 100 bears were made at a sew-in at Pam Tennyson’s house. Another batch of bears was being completed
during the meeting in September 2012.
Guild will send a batch to Cancer Services as well as OLOL Emergency
Room as mentioned above. Merlene will have a final count at the next meeting on
how many bears were completed.
Quilt Show –
August 2012
There will be a wrap-up report
given by the planning committee next month.
Thank you Karol Guidry for
donating the water for our lunch during the open house!
Some astonishing totals!!! – 22
quilts were donated in all, 11 went to Cancer Services, along with a bag of
bears, and 11 were given to the Veteran’s Home in Reserve, LA. Good job ladies! Thanks for your help in making these items.
Braud read a thank you letter from Ms. Trish Mann, Program Director for Cancer
Services of Greater Baton Rouge.
Just-Do-It Chair
Pam Tennyson volunteered to
be the guild’s Just-Do-It chair. She
will send out emails every so often planning activities for the guild. Contact Pam via email for more details. See Teddy Bears for Kids discussion above for
details on September’s activity.
Charity Quilts
The guild will continue to use
its donated fabric to construct charity quilts.
Please bring back any charity fabric that you have left over from this
year’s charity quilts. The fabric will
be collected at the October meeting.
Merlene Lewis and Elsie Hamway volunteered to be co-chairs for
2013. Merlene showed a pattern for a
heart quilt, which will be used as one option for charity quilts for 2013.
Block of the Month
- Becky
We are doing a block of the month project
for 2012. Becky Fincher is the guild
contact for this activity.
Please note that each block will be 12” finished.
See 2/23/12 email to guild from Becky Fincher (copy
Dear Ladies,
I don't know where the
last week went. I apologize for taking a week to get this out. I will have
printouts at the next meeting to be copied if you have problems downloading.
Call me if you have a problem and maybe I can walk you thru. I went back to www.quilterscache.com for free blocks we can use. Each person will be making their own
Fancy Stripes for
January, Mr. Roosevelt's Necktie for February, and Four Corners for March, if
you want more let me know.
Enjoy making new blocks,
Becky Fincher
The April block is Soaring Past Time and the May block is
the Snowball block.
The June block is Anvil.
July – Lady of Lake II
August – Easy Pieced Butterfly
September – Bear Tracks
See 9/12/12 email from Becky Fincher to guild –
October – Shooting Star 2
November – Sting Stars 2
December – Friendship Circle
Christmas Party
Dee Jeffers volunteered to
reserve the room at City Café for this year’s party. It is located at the corner of O’Neal Land
and George O’Neal. The party will take
place at 6:30pm on December 13th. Please note this is not our normal
meeting date, due to its close proximity to Christmas.
options were given for this year’s gift exchange – a $15 quilting gift to
exchange or a collection of $15 for charity (to put towards batting for our
charity quilts). Participation is
optional. The guild voted that a
collection of $15 dollars will be taken at the party for the purchase of
batting for 2013 charity quilt projects.
Old Business
**The Rural
Life Museum wants folks to hand quilt at the museum on Mondays and
Tuesdays. Renee has volunteered to
help. The group meets from 11am-2pm on
Monday and Tuesday in an “old time” quilt bee fashion. For more information, contact Renee.
**Cottonport Quilt Show – 10/6 and 10/7 at the Cottonport
Museum. Jessie has details.
**A&E Pharmacy in FL and JoAnn’s gives discounts to
quilt guild members, just show your membership card.
**The guild still has cookbooks for sale.
**We have a Bingo game and we will be playing in the
Door Prize Drawing
Keith is the guild contact in charge of door prizes. These were items donated by other guild
members or members of the quilting community.
If there is something that you don’t use or have a duplicate of
something in your quilt room, please consider donating it to the group to use
as a door prize. Stay tuned for more
chances to win a door prize at a future quilt meeting. Winners were drawn during the September
meeting. Cathy Sandahl and Valerie B.
won door prizes.
Program – Jessie
Comeaux – half square triangles
Activity Survey – planning
for next year, if you did not get to fill out the survey, please contact Jessie
Show and Tell
Next Months’
October – Healthy Quilting presentation (Sharon Holder),
does the guild have an interest in getting CPR certified??? More info. In October.
November – Movie and Popcorn night (Stitched)
December – Guild Christmas Party
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