Founded in 2005 by quilters who wanted to share their love of quilting with others, our guild's purpose was to promote appreciation and interest in quilting and to provide educational opportunities. Reimagined in 2023 -- The Sassi Stripper Stitchers meets every third Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m at the Jones Creek Library. Come and go during that time. Work on any kind of stitchery. Sharing, show and tell, and fellowship.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
SSQG - March 2013 Meeting Minutes
Sassi Strippers Quilt
Guild Meeting Minutes – March 21, 2013
President Becky Fincher called the meeting to order at
6:30pm welcoming 10 members and 3 guests.
The meeting minutes were accepted by Jessie Comeaux and
Elsie Hamway, respectively.
Treasurer Heidi Brochard provided the treasurer’s report
that was read at the meeting. It was reported
that there was a balance of $1,004.47 as of February 1, 2013 in the SSQG
account. There were no deposits or expenses during the month of February. The balance at the end of February was
$1,004.47. A copy of the treasurer’s
report was given to the secretary.
Treasurer’s report was accepted as given by Renee Hoeprich and Betty
Braud, respectively.
Blog Site –
Valerie Valle
Meeting minutes and pictures are posted on the
blogsite. If anyone has info to be
posted on the blogsite, please give it to Valerie Valle.
Valerie Valle reported a good use of the blog site. April
Reeves offered to help make the design of the blog site “more quilty.” Thank you, April!
Valerie Valle posted a link to a site with “free” quilt
patterns as provided by Betty Braud.
Guild members are encouraged to look at the blog site to
access meeting minutes, pictures of guild events, etc. and also to make
comments on the posts. The address for
the blog site is http://sassistrippersquiltguild.blogspot.com/
Unfinished Projects
(UFO’s) – Jessie Comeaux
Jessie Comeaux is the chair for 2013. The quilt needs to be quilted and finished to
be counted as completing the UFO. You
can add a quilt at any stage to the list (blocks, fabric, kit, etc.).
Please bring your UFO lists to the March meeting! A copy of the blank list has been posted to
the blog site.
Send Jessie Comeaux an email with the name of the quilts
that you complete throughout the year.
Tabs – Becky
Becky Fincher is the guild contact for this charity
project. Please detach the flip tops
from all aluminum soda, soup, juice, vegetable, etc. cans. Bring them to the meeting. Tabs will be sent to Ronald McDonald House in
Monroe for 2013. Becky’s sister made
another donation this year.
Door Prize Drawing
– April Reeves
April Reeves volunteered to be the guild contact in
charge of door prizes. Thank you April!
These were items donated by other guild members or
members of the quilting community. If
there is something that you don’t use or have a duplicate of something in your
quilt room, please consider donating it to the group to use as a door
prize. Stay tuned for more chances to
win a door prize at a future quilt meeting.
Becky Fincher won the door prize during the March meeting.
Quilt Show
The quilt show has been scheduled for August 2013. Demo day is going to be on August 10th,
which is the 2nd Saturday of August.
Demo day will be held from 11-2pm.
The hanging of the quilts will take place on August 1st or
earlier depending on the library’s schedule.
All quilts/quilt items will be collected at the July meeting, which will
take place on July 18th. At this time,
we are not at a point to limit the number of quilt entries for the quilt show. For the kid’s table this year, the kids will
we be drawing on quilt blocks to make a quilt during the show.
Renee solicited members to become involved in the quilt
show committee. If you want to be part
of the quilt show committee, please contact Renee.
Charity Quilts
The guild will continue to use its donated fabric to
construct charity quilts.
Merlene Lewis and Elsie Hamway are the co-chairs for
2013. Members can choose whatever
pattern they would like as long as it makes a lap size quilt (50”x60”). The due date for charity quilts is at the July
2013 meeting, which will be held on July 18th.
Becky Fincher found a contact for homeless veterans – Michelle
Scott at Raven’s Outreach. There are 50
people that stay at Raven’s Outreach at a time.
Only men stay at Raven’s Outreach.
Michelle with Raven’s mentioned that someone donated quilts in
2008. The guild recommended that
individual quilts be donated and that they would be close to lap size (50” x
60”). Please consider making quilts that
are patriotic for this charity as well, although it is not necessary. The
quilts should be masculine. A vote was
taken during the meeting and Raven’s Outreach was chosen to receive some of the
charity quilts.
Betty Braud will contact Cancer Services and we will vote
on whether we should send some of the quilts to this charity during the April
Becky has been given some batting and polyester
fiber-fill that can be used for charity projects. There are about 3-4 partial bags of
fiber-fill and 3-4 full/queen size batting.
The fiber fill was used for the Teddy Bear’s for Kids project (see below). Contact Becky Fincher if you would like to
use the batting for your charity quilts. She brought the batting to the March
To label the charity quilts, please use the following
text –
Sassi Strippers
Quilt Guild
Block Exchange –
Jessie Comeaux
There were a large number of participants in the block
exchange during February. We have
decided to have members continue in April by bringing another set of blocks to
exchange. Same rules as last month – see
you wish to participate in the block exchange for 2013 for Sassi Strippers,
please bring the following to the April meeting:
5 (or 10) completed Split
9 Patch Blocks - you get the same number back that you bring in!
Please bring multiples of
The block is 9" finished
(9.5" unfinished).
Cream-based fabrics
should be used for the lights and you can use any color you wish for the darks.
(In the pattern, several different red fabrics were chosen.) You can choose either to bring scrappy blocks
or ones that look more like the pattern pictures. It’s the way you construct the quilt at the
end that will make the quilts interesting.
Teddy Bear’s for
Merlene Lewis presented this charity project before the
guild last year (as noted in August 2011 minutes and voted on in November
2011). Our
Lady Of The Lake Children’s Hospital called & notified Merlene that they
very much wanted the bears Sassi Strippers was offering to make for child
patients. The hospital mentioned that
they look forward to getting more bears.
Karol Guidry sent an email to
the guild members on April 2, 2012 which included the instructions for the
bears. Please see the blogsite for a
posting of the pattern.
Please feel free to make as
many as you would like to & bring them to a future meeting. If you do not have the instructions, please
let us know and we can provide extra copies at the next meeting.
They can be made of materials you
have in your stash, plaids, prints, solids or Flannel, anything you want to
use. Please let us know if anyone would
like some of the guild’s donated fabric to make the bears.
It was noted that Pentel gel
pens work well with drawing faces on the bears.
Renee H. is the activities chair for the Giving
Quilt. She invited the Sassi Strippers
to make teddy bears during the Giving Quilt quilt show to be held at Lamar
Dixon Trade Mart building on April 6th. The show is from 10-4pm. The teddy bears will be demo’d as part of the
“Community Projects” exhibit. Bears were
brought to the 3/21 meeting (March meeting).
A sign-up sheet for 2 hour blocks of time was passed out at the March
meeting. There is electricity available
in our section. Vendors will be present
at the quilt show as well as scissor sharpening. Renee has 118 bears for stuffing, and April,
Betty, Merlene, and Elsie also have more bears for stuffing.
We will also be passing out informational cards about our
guild at the quilt show. Jessie Comeaux,
a member of our guild, made the raffle quilt for the show. The quilt will be displayed in a segment on
the Channel 9 news at noon on March 29, 2013.
New business
Challenge Block
A challenge was issued to members of the guild to make
8.5” blocks that represent the Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild. Please make a block that represents our
guild. Please bring your finished block
to the July meeting. We will take a vote
for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners and all
blocks will be displayed in our library quilt show. The block will be used on the blogsite as our
“official” quilt block that represents the guild.
Show and Tell
Half square triangles using “Quilt in a Day” method –
April Reeves
Block Exchange
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