Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild Meeting
September 17, 2015
Minutes taken by Pam Tennyson
Call to order: 6:42pm
Sign in, welcome members & guests: 7 members attended & 1 guest (Katie Jager)
Katie Jager is now a new member as of 9/17/2015
Reading of the minutes to accept: Pam
Motion made by: Mynan
Seconded by: Betty
Accepted by membership?: yes
Treasurer report: Pam
Motion to accept:
Motion made by: Marilyn
Motion seconded by: Merlene
Accept by membership? yes
VP/Programming: Pam
All the bears being worked on at the September meeting will be donated to Cancer Services without faces drawn on them.
Sharon will be doing two types of folded fabric Christmas ornaments
Secretary / blog site: Pam will send the minutes to Valerie
Historian: Marilyn left a message with April to see if she had anymore items from being Historian in 2014.
UFO's: Pam-no one had any
Door prizes: Pam - the 3 door prizes will be given out at the October meeting to the following winners:
Marilyn H.
Mynan G.
Bonnie M.
Tabs: Betty received a thank you letter from the Ronald McDonald house for the last delivery of tabs.
Pam read the thank you letter
Just Do It: Pam
Confirming date & time for Senior Craft volunteers at the Jones Creek Library
Monday, October 12, 2015 @ 6:30pm until
Charity Bears: Merlene & Cheryl
Merlene & Cheryl delivered the following below:
OLOL received 26 quilts & 85 bears
Cancer Services received 26 quilts & 58 bears (some of those did not have the face drawn on (per their request)
Both charities were given 1 quilt & 3 bears at presentation of charities at demo day. They were also emailed a picture of the representative receiving the quilt & bears.
From 2011 until this delivery, Sassi Strippers has donated 2,356 Bears!
New Business: None
Show & Tell: Guild members
Marilyn showed a cosmetic bag done by needlework, it was a kit.
Bonnie showed her Puff baby quilt & a quilt block.
Merlene shared that her "Road to Mandalay" Jacket is traveling with the Hoffman 2015 Challenge! She showed the book with her picture of the jaceket.
October 17, 2015 GSQA Quarterly Meeting, Pensacola, FL, with PJ Anderson on Sweet 'N Sassy Templates diamond quilts.
Next meeting:
October 15, 2015
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