Founded in 2005 by quilters who wanted to share their love of quilting with others, our guild's purpose was to promote appreciation and interest in quilting and to provide educational opportunities. Reimagined in 2023 -- The Sassi Stripper Stitchers meets every third Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m at the Jones Creek Library. Come and go during that time. Work on any kind of stitchery. Sharing, show and tell, and fellowship.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
SSQG Meeting Minutes -- 2/18/16
Meeting Minutes
18, 2016
taken by Linda Baumann
- President/Call to order (Pam T.) – 6:51pm
- Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests – 13 members (including welcoming back to the SSQG, Linda Baumann & Valerie Kazlauskas) attended along with 1 guest.
- Reading of the minutes and motion to accept –
- Motion made by: Elsie H
- Motion seconded by: Karol G
- Accepted by membership- yes
- Reports of officers and committees
- Treasurer’s report (Elsie H) –
- Beginning Balance: $923.86
- Deposits: no deposits
- Expenditures: $47.54
- Ending Balance: $876.32
- Motion to accept:
- Motion made by: Marilyn H
- Motion seconded by: Betty B
- Accepted by membership - yes
- President (Pam T) – Pam T presented an interactive slide show of the 2015 Kaleidoscope Quilt Show & announced that there is a vacancy for the Secretary position due to Valerie V moving to Florida in the near future. Valerie V is available for any questions or assistance needed in reference to the Secretary duties.
- VP/Programming (Sharon H) – Mynan G presented the program for February on “Microwave Bowl Buddies”.
- Secretary (Linda B) – Linda B volunteered to take over as Secretary for the remainder of the year. Valerie K volunteered to be the backup. Linda B will resume the duties of taking the minutes at the meeting, forward them to Pam T to verify approve & email to all the members. Marilyn H will then post them to the blog.
- Blog (Marilyn H) (sassistrippersquiltguild.blogspot.com) - Marilyn H volunteered to resume the duties of the Blog Administrator.
- Historian (Marilyn H) – Marilyn H will continue to add picture links and organize notebooks that include pictures, articles highlighting SSQG activities.
- Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Kathy S) – 3 UFO’s were shown this month by Merlene L
explained that UFO’s are quilts that are finished all the way to
the binding. They are started before December 31, 2015 &
finished during the year of 2016.
- Tabs (Betty B) – Tabs continue to be collected for the Ronald McDonald House.
- Door Prizes (Renee H) –Winners of the door prizes were Marilyn H, Valerie V, Cheryl A, Valerie K. Mynan also received one for presenting February’s program.
- Just Do It (Pam T) - Valerie V showed a quilt that was done in the “Hack and Slash” fashion.
- Quilt Show (SSQG membership) – Pam asked the members if they would like to not have a committee again this year where all members contribute to the Quilt Show like last year. The theme for 2016 is “Anything Goes”.
- Charity Quilts/Projects (Merlene L & Cheryl A) –
- Pam T announced that she is so impressed & has been able to see firsthand what the cancer society does for someone battling cancer.
- Merlene read a thank you note from OLOL thanking us for the bears donated to the Children’s Hospital. Merlene gave a tally of bears that have been made since 2011 (2,907 bears). In 2015 (545) bears completed which surpassed Pam’s challenge of 500. The 2016 challenge is 550.
- Linda B suggested that the McMains Center be considered as a charity in the future. It was
and we will revisit and vote on charities in 2017.
- Renee H motioned to keep charities as OLOL Children’s Hospital and Cancer Services of Greater Baton Rouge. Elsie H 2nd the motion & the membership agreed.
- Unfinished Business –
- No unfinished business.
- New Business -
Program Report – Mynan presented a demo on making “Microwave Bowl
Buddies” & directions were given out to the membership.
- Show and Tell – Renee H showed a very nice poster to fabric duplicate wall hanging she is working on. Elsie H presented a beautiful quilt that she used a saucer to draw curves and then quilted them herself on her machine.
- Announcements –.
- Renee H – talked about the sew day for Quilts of Valor that there was a big turnout. Seventy people attended and helped to sew and assemble quilts. Also, quilts were presented to Veterans.
- Gaye Smith and Debbie Kelly started a group that meets once a month at the Fairwood Library on Old Hammond Hwy. The name of the group is “Montage” English paper piecing. The next meeting is scheduled for February 28th from 2p.m.-5p.m.
- SSQG next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 18th, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.
- Adjournment – 8:31pm
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