Tuesday, March 13, 2018

SSQG Minutes -- February 15, 2018

SSQG Meeting Agenda
February 15, 2018
Minutes taken by B. Frederick

  1. President/Call to order (Sharon H.) – 6:35
  2. Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests: 12 members, 2 guests who signed as members
  3. Reading of the minutes and motion to accept – Sharon forgot to send, will send later
    1. Motion made by:
    2. Motion seconded by:
    3. Accepted by membership?
  4. Reports of officers and committees
    1. Treasurer’s report (Cheryl A.) –
      1. Beginning Balance: $952.25
      2. Deposits:
      3. Expenditures: $0
      4. Ending Balance: $952.25
      5. Motion to accept:
        1. Motion made by: Valerie
        2. Motion seconded by: Betty B
        3. Accepted by membership? -yes
    2. VP/Programming (Mynan G.) – Round Robin Challenge for 2018. Starts with the middle block any size and add borders with a different technique each month. First month is ½ square traingles. (see handouts)
    3. Secretary (Becky F.) –nothing to report
    4. Historian/Blog site (Marilyn H.) – Show ‘n Tell, minutes, and events each month is posted on the blog
    5. Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Kathy S.) – Merline L – Bath wallhanging
    6. Tabs (Cheryl A.) – Bringing this month
    7. Door Prizes (Valerie K.) 1. Carolyn B.; 2. Mynan G.; 3. Elsie H.
    8. Just Do It (Sharon H.) Saturday, Feb. 24th, Hobby Lobby on O’Neal at 9:00 am for trip to NOLA to deliver tabs to Ronald McDonald house and a few quilt shops.
    9. Quilt Show (SSQG membership): pending library construction
    10. Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Cheryl A.)- 196 Bears and 23 quilts delivered in Sept.
  5. Unfinished Business: none
  6. New business: none
  1. Program: Mynan, Sharon, Merline showed ½ square triangle techniques
  2. Show and Tell- 1. Betty B. – Batik charity; 2. Valerie shared Redstick Rug Hooking open house where she met Rebekah L. Smith, bought pattern, and had her sign it; 3. Merline – Row by row quilt for brother in law and 4 charity quilts from the fabric give away in January; 4. Marilyn and Andrea – 3 tops for Veteran’s home out of charity fabric given in January; 5. Mynan – 12 fat quarter top from donations.
  3. Announcements – next meeting March 15th, 6:30

Rug Hooking display at library in March.

Class being taught at Quilt Corner for a Judy Neimeyer design called Vintage Rose (king size). Class is once a month starting in May to help with techniques for the quilt. Also a Judy Neimeyer instructor will be at the Quilt Corner Feb. 15 to help with started projects for the class price.

GSQA show is at the Harbor Slidell Center April 13-14, 2

  1. Adjournment –8:00

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