Wednesday, January 16, 2019

SSQG Minutes -- November 15, 2018

SSQG Minutes --
SSQG Meeting Minutes Date: 11/15/2018 Minutes taken by Ann

1. President / Call to order (Sharon H)- 6:37 PM

2. Sign in, Welcome to Members and Guests- 16 Members in attendance

3. Reports of officers and committees- Minutes deferred
a. Treasurer’s report (Cheryl Myers)
I. Beginning Balance:$1076.92
II. Deposits: $12.00
III. Expenditures: -$ 177.05
IV. Ending Balance: $ 923.87
V. Motion to accept:
1. Motion made by: Elsie 2. Motion seconded by: Karen 3. Accepted by membership? Yes

b. VP/ Programming (Mynan G)-Merlene presented program pressed flowers from book by Pamela Watts Pressed Flowers 1993. Merlene showed her projects using this method and then provided flowers, stems, leaves and other items along with the organza for members to make their own mini project.

Sign-up for Christmas Party to be held at City Cafe on December 13th

January’s program will be construction of BEARS for the Giving Quilt Show on Friday, February 22.

c. Secretary (Becky F)- Nothing new

d. Historian/Blog Site (Marilyn H.)-Blog is good and up to date.

e. Unfinished Projects (UFOs-Kathy S.)- Andrea and Merlene

f. Tabs (Cheryl M.)-Visit to Ronald MacDonald House will be discussed at January meeting.

g. Door Prizes (Valerie K.)-Marilyn H., Glen P, Birdie S.

h. Just Do It (Sharon H)-Suspended until first of the year.

i. Quilt Show (SSQG membership)

j. Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Cheryl M.)-

5.Unfinished business- Officers for 2019 President: Cheryl Myers, Vice Pres. Pam Tennyson, Secretary Marilyn Halvorsen, Treasurer Fran Finn, Historian Elsie Hamway

6. New Business-

7. Program-Everyone enjoyed Merlene’s presentation and the activity of making their own project with pressed flowers. 

8. Show and tell- Quilts were displayed by Merlene, Cindy, Marilyn, Mynan, Fran, Cheryl and Monette.

9. Announcements- a) Next Meeting-December 13 City Cafe Christmas Party

10. Adjournment- 8:40 PM

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