Founded in 2005 by quilters who wanted to share their love of quilting with others, our guild's purpose was to promote appreciation and interest in quilting and to provide educational opportunities. Reimagined in 2023 -- The Sassi Stripper Stitchers meets every third Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m at the Jones Creek Library. Come and go during that time. Work on any kind of stitchery. Sharing, show and tell, and fellowship.
Friday, July 30, 2010
SSQG July 15, 2010 Meeting Minutes
Treasurer Paula St.Romain reported a balance of $1035.17 in the club treasury. Expense was $8.49 for a roll of tickets for the MYF & the deposit of $24.00 dues for our 4 new members who joined in June. Secretary mistakenly reported that Jan Delgehausen joined the guild in June. Treasurer reported the error stating Jan joined in March.
Membership is now 24 paid members.
Thanks were given to Valerie Valley for her work setting up the blog for the guild. She sent out the blog set-up news via e-mail to each member.
Paula will hand out copies of the guild roster at our next meeting.
Madelon Mitchum was our guest & told everyone their contributions to breast cancer patients were very much appreciated & gave needed comfort. She received 3 chemo caps & said the patients will enjoy wearing them in the fall.
Chairman Becky Fincher & Committee chose the name “Kaleidoscope of Quilts” for our 2010 SSQG show to be held at the Jones Creek Library. Opening day will be August 7th with demos starting at 10 am. A Reception will be held will be held at 2pm when a staff member will be present to accept all the premie quilts/ blankets our guild has made to donate to Woman’s Hospital
Co-Chairwoman Linda Baumann – glass cabinets, Norma McDaniel – Inventory, Valerie Barth - Publicity
MORE QUILTS ARE NEEDED NOW FOR DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW ! ! ! Please CONTACT Norma, 667-4692, or Becky 753-6408 with your entry quilt(s) measurements so that proper plastic piping for hanging will be cut in advance of hanging day if you are unable to deliver your entry quilt(s). OUR SHOW NEEDS YOUR QUILTS ! ! !
PLEASE PRINT OUT THE “Kaleidoscope of Quilts”FLYER VALERIE DESIGNED AND HANG IT IN CHURCH, OFFICE, or ANYPLACE PEOPLE WILL SEE IT IN ORDER TO HAVE THE BEST ATTENDANCE POSSIBLE BY ALL WHO MIGHT BE INTERESTED! Thanks!!!! She sent it to you attached in a July 15th e-mail. Invite your friends & family members to see & enjoy!
DEMO RUNNERS are also needed to allow members giving the demonstrators minutes away for necessary breathers, also HELPFUL RUNNERS are needed for fetching item(s) that might be needed, messages, etc. call Becky 753-6408.
All demos will be held in the center of the library as to be best seen by people entering the library doors.
Judy Holley presented her Program with a Trunk Show of both large & small quilts. She began quilting in 1970 after the birth of her 1st child and told us of her first quilt a Dresden Plate she designed & made as she launched her love of quilting. She inspired us with her love & description of color, “We are surrounded with color everyday”. She taught us how to approach color & prints of fabric with ease to obtain the best results in light vs. dark in our quilting design to gain the best qualities to catch the eye in the total finished quilt. She is currently teaching at the Quilt Shop “Cottage Creations & Quilts” in St. Gabriel, La. You may go to Judy’s web site www.judyholleyquilts.com to see the classes she is teaching & the dates for each. You may e-mail cottagecreations.quilts@cox.net owned by Daisy Comeaux located 2.5 miles off La. 30, phone 225-642-8166, you will enjoy the
quilt shop & it’s brand new classroom as well as the fine collection of fabric, notions, etc. Judy will also teach guild classes and may be reached at 275-5965
Guild received a thank you note from the nurse at Woman’s Hospital for our guild’s dedication to making premie quilts for the neonatal unit.
Ginny Hughes gd654@bellsouth.net needs cut out (2 piece) premie quilt count to be sewn by her American Sewing Guild August 21st so that she can make her agenda notifying her members how many premie quilts they’ll sew together for us that day. Thank you very much Ginny for your kindness to the guild and the neonatal unit. We appreciate you & the ASG very much!
Winner of the Christmas fat Quarter drawing was Jan Delgehausen.
ASG Sew Day August 21st at J. C. Library, our members may also attend, sew & join if you wish.
Michael Young Fest August 21st at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church at 12663 Perkins Road near Siegen Lane from 11-3 Events include: silent & live auctions, jambalaya, baked goods, hand-made items, an exhibit of Michael’s art pieces & family quilts. A raffle quilt (1)- purple & gold tiger quilt----&1 per chance.
Michael’s 2010GSQA entry quilt& many surprise quilts will be in the live auction. Come on out to see & enjoy.
Bonnie Parnell donated a huge box filled with items she had embroidered to the MYFest. Thank you, thank you Bonnie for all you have given to help Michael! There are caps (LSU & SU), tote bags, bath towels for children to mention a few of the many items!
Round Robin participants Becky, Glenda & Jessie opened their box one at a time & showed their completed quilt, they were all BEAUTIFUL! Super Job, ladies!
All Quilters are invited to come to a sit & sew at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church every 2nd Tuesday from 9am til 2pm. Please bring your lunch & something to work on. No charge involved at all.
Show & Tell was held.
Guest Charlotte Hymel rejoined our guild bring our paid membership to 25 .
Members present (23) Karol Guidry, Paula StRomain, Valerie Valle, Glen Parks, Norma McDaniel, Ginny Hughes, Jessie Comeaux, Betty Braud, Bonnie Parnell, Nina Delaune, Mynan Guidry, Valarie Barth, Angie Boudreaux, Jan Delgehauser, Heidi Brochard, Andrea Keith, Destry Graves, Laura Boyette, Caroline Derbes, Elsie Hamway, Dee Jeffers, Linda Baumann and Becky Fincher. Guests present (4) Charlotte Hymel ( joined ),Dixie Kirkland, Madelon Mitchum, who contacted us to help provide comfort items for breast cancer patients & Judy Holley our program presentor. Total attendance was 27.
Adjourned 8:23 pm.
Friday, July 16, 2010
"A Kaleidoscope of Quilts"
Please join us during the month of August at the Jones Creek Regional Branch Library located at 6222 Jones Creek Road, Baton Rouge LA 70816 for a quilt display sponsored by the Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild.
Opening day commences on August 7, 2010 at 10am with quilting technique demonstrations. The demos are free, are open to the public, and will take place throughout the day. Please plan to bring your family and friends to lean about an art that has its roots in history, and to see the quilts on display.
Quilting technique demonstrations include:
- Hand quilting
- Yo-yo's
- Hand applique
- Flying geese
- Paper piecing
- Children's demo for ages 3-8 (must be accompanied by an adult)
The Guild will also host a reception to commemorate the beginning of the quilt display at the library. The reception will take place at 2pm on Saturday, 7 August 2010. The Sassi Strippers Quilt Guild is currently completing a service project to benefit local infants born prematurely and those having significant health concerns. As part of the opening day festivities, quilts/blankets made by the members of the guild will be donated to a staff member from a local area hospital.
Admission is free and all are welcome to attend. Hope to see you there!
For more information about the quilt display opening day activities, please contact the Jones Creek Library at 225-756-1140.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
It's a start!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
SSQG June 17, 2010 meeting minutes
President Linda Baumann ca
1. May 29th, 2010 Meeting Minutes were approved as recorded. Motion to accept was made by Dee Jeffers and seconded by G
2. Treasurer Pau
3. Donations for prize basket continue to be co
4. The Michae
5. A motion was made by Glenda Parks & 2nd by Dee Jeffers then approved by the guild to donate three rolls of raffle tickets to the M.Y. Fest committee for their raffle use & Paula StRomain was to purchase them with club funds.
6. Committee Reports:
a. Chemo caps/anti-ouch pouches/arm pillows- Karol Guidry
b. Web Site/B
c. UfO Cha
d. Qui
e. Mystery Qui
f. Charity Project- Preemie Qui
g. Hobbs Charity batting- Karo
h. Charity project- pi
i. F
j. Birthday Fat Quarters-Dee Jeffers
k. Greeting cards (new or used) – Valerie Barth
l. Qui
7. Program Presentation by Sarah LeB
8. Show & Tell was held.
9. Five guests were present; Laura Brandt Boyette, Destry Graves, Jan De
10. Guests joining the guild at the meeting were Laura Boyette, Destry Graves, Jan Delgehausn, Ellen Ruskin and Nina Delaune.
11. June Birthday Fat Quarters were given to Dee Jeffers, our only June participant Birthday girl!
12. Door prize winners were Valerie Barth and Andrea Keith.
13. Fat quarter drawing winner was Ginny Hughes.
14. Our next meeting will be July 15th at 6:30 p.m.
15. Meeting adjourned at 8:37p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Karol Guidry
SSQG May 20, 2010 meeting minutes
1. President Linda Baumann opened the meeting at 6:34 pm.
2. Minutes of April meeting were accepted as recorded. Motion to accept was made by Glenda Parks and seconded by
3. Treasurer Paula St.Romain reported $1014.00 was the balance in the club treasury.
4. Old business – donations of fat quarters & notions to the prize basket were received & still requested. These donations will build a supply on hand to give nonmember guests who are invited to present a program to our guild as an appreciation gift. They will also be used for a prize basket, etc. to have on hand for games we play, etc. Jessie volunteered to keep prize basket contributions in her possession until needed.
5. Round Robin is due at June 17th meeting.
6. Valerie Barth presented clue #4 of the Mystery Quilt to members.
7. New Business- Proposal was presented of a request from a fellow quilter, Madeline Mitchum for volunteers from our guild to make chemo caps and under arm soft pillows for breast cancer treatment patient’s use. Karol Guidry will be our contact person.
9. Library Quilt Show August 2010 Committee Chairman is Becky Fincher, Co-Chair is President Linda Baumann. Members of the Committee are Jessie Comeaux, Betty Braud, Merlene Lewis, Andrea Keith, Paula St.Romain, Glen Parks, Dee Jeffers, Norma McDaniel and Angie Boudreaux. If you would like to be on the committee or wish information please contact Becky.
10. Calan Page of the library staff will hang the quilts. More information will be given at the June meeting and as it is available.
11. Charity Project Preemie (no batting) (soft) Quilts and Blessings (bright colors & unisex themes) was discussed. No piecing is needed. President Linda will make contact with the group who has fabric already cut to proper size & needs some people to sew the blankets together. Ginny Hughes graciously offered our group to perhaps join her 1st Saturday of the month at the monthly meeting of The American Sewing Guild at the Jones Creek Library to power sew the blankets together when the project gets underway. Thank you Ginny.
12. Andrea Keith will receive & document the completed Preemie Quilts when our program is underway.
13. Retreat at Pam’s Place was discussed and members were in favor of this activity. A list was passed and members signed who wished to attend. JoPaula Lantier volunteered to be the coordinator of the retreat. The guild requested two retreats this 2010 with one this summer & another in the fall.
14. Birthday Fat Quarters were distributed to Becky Fincher our only May birthday participant.
15. Valerie Valle spoke to the guild on the possibility of setting up a guild web site & perhaps a guild blog spot (also a team blog as well).
16. Sherry Herringshaw presented her “Choosing Fabrics for Your Scrap Quilt” Program & Trunk Show. Guild members were able to ask questions and thoroughly enjoyed all that was clearly presented on all aspects of scrap quilting. Thanks and appreciation was extended to Sherry for her sharing all she had learned about making color choices & their placement in making miniature and larger quilts.
17.Refreshments supplied by Paula StRomain were served. Members visited & also saw Sherry’s quilts up close.
18. Show & Tell was held.
19. Sixteen members, two guests and our program presenter were present. Sherry Herringshaw, Lilly Willis & Nina Delaune were our guests. Members attending were Andrea Keith, JoPaula Lantier, Valerie Valle, Glenda Parks, Valerie Barth, Betty Braud, Merlene Lewis, Norma McDaniel, Paula StRomain, Ginny Hughes, Bonnie Parnell, Heidi Brouchard, Dee Jeffers, Mynan Guidry, Linda Baumann & Karol Guidry.
20. Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Respectfully Submitted, Karol Guidry