President Linda Baumann ca
1. May 29th, 2010 Meeting Minutes were approved as recorded. Motion to accept was made by Dee Jeffers and seconded by G
2. Treasurer Pau
3. Donations for prize basket continue to be co
4. The Michae
5. A motion was made by Glenda Parks & 2nd by Dee Jeffers then approved by the guild to donate three rolls of raffle tickets to the M.Y. Fest committee for their raffle use & Paula StRomain was to purchase them with club funds.
6. Committee Reports:
a. Chemo caps/anti-ouch pouches/arm pillows- Karol Guidry
b. Web Site/B
c. UfO Cha
d. Qui
e. Mystery Qui
f. Charity Project- Preemie Qui
g. Hobbs Charity batting- Karo
h. Charity project- pi
i. F
j. Birthday Fat Quarters-Dee Jeffers
k. Greeting cards (new or used) – Valerie Barth
l. Qui
7. Program Presentation by Sarah LeB
8. Show & Tell was held.
9. Five guests were present; Laura Brandt Boyette, Destry Graves, Jan De
10. Guests joining the guild at the meeting were Laura Boyette, Destry Graves, Jan Delgehausn, Ellen Ruskin and Nina Delaune.
11. June Birthday Fat Quarters were given to Dee Jeffers, our only June participant Birthday girl!
12. Door prize winners were Valerie Barth and Andrea Keith.
13. Fat quarter drawing winner was Ginny Hughes.
14. Our next meeting will be July 15th at 6:30 p.m.
15. Meeting adjourned at 8:37p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Karol Guidry
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