Sunday, July 11, 2010

SSQG May 20, 2010 meeting minutes

1. President Linda Baumann opened the meeting at 6:34 pm.

2. Minutes of April meeting were accepted as recorded. Motion to accept was made by Glenda Parks and seconded by Valerie Valley.

3. Treasurer Paula St.Romain reported $1014.00 was the balance in the club treasury.

4. Old business – donations of fat quarters & notions to the prize basket were received & still requested. These donations will build a supply on hand to give nonmember guests who are invited to present a program to our guild as an appreciation gift. They will also be used for a prize basket, etc. to have on hand for games we play, etc. Jessie volunteered to keep prize basket contributions in her possession until needed.

5. Round Robin is due at June 17th meeting.

6. Valerie Barth presented clue #4 of the Mystery Quilt to members.

7. New Business- Proposal was presented of a request from a fellow quilter, Madeline Mitchum for volunteers from our guild to make chemo caps and under arm soft pillows for breast cancer treatment patient’s use. Karol Guidry will be our contact person.

9. Library Quilt Show August 2010 Committee Chairman is Becky Fincher, Co-Chair is President Linda Baumann. Members of the Committee are Jessie Comeaux, Betty Braud, Merlene Lewis, Andrea Keith, Paula St.Romain, Glen Parks, Dee Jeffers, Norma McDaniel and Angie Boudreaux. If you would like to be on the committee or wish information please contact Becky.

10. Calan Page of the library staff will hang the quilts. More information will be given at the June meeting and as it is available.

11. Charity Project Preemie (no batting) (soft) Quilts and Blessings (bright colors & unisex themes) was discussed. No piecing is needed. President Linda will make contact with the group who has fabric already cut to proper size & needs some people to sew the blankets together. Ginny Hughes graciously offered our group to perhaps join her 1st Saturday of the month at the monthly meeting of The American Sewing Guild at the Jones Creek Library to power sew the blankets together when the project gets underway. Thank you Ginny.

12. Andrea Keith will receive & document the completed Preemie Quilts when our program is underway.

13. Retreat at Pam’s Place was discussed and members were in favor of this activity. A list was passed and members signed who wished to attend. JoPaula Lantier volunteered to be the coordinator of the retreat. The guild requested two retreats this 2010 with one this summer & another in the fall.

14. Birthday Fat Quarters were distributed to Becky Fincher our only May birthday participant.

15. Valerie Valle spoke to the guild on the possibility of setting up a guild web site & perhaps a guild blog spot (also a team blog as well).

16. Sherry Herringshaw presented her “Choosing Fabrics for Your Scrap Quilt” Program & Trunk Show. Guild members were able to ask questions and thoroughly enjoyed all that was clearly presented on all aspects of scrap quilting. Thanks and appreciation was extended to Sherry for her sharing all she had learned about making color choices & their placement in making miniature and larger quilts.

17.Refreshments supplied by Paula StRomain were served. Members visited & also saw Sherry’s quilts up close.

18. Show & Tell was held.

19. Sixteen members, two guests and our program presenter were present. Sherry Herringshaw, Lilly Willis & Nina Delaune were our guests. Members attending were Andrea Keith, JoPaula Lantier, Valerie Valle, Glenda Parks, Valerie Barth, Betty Braud, Merlene Lewis, Norma McDaniel, Paula StRomain, Ginny Hughes, Bonnie Parnell, Heidi Brouchard, Dee Jeffers, Mynan Guidry, Linda Baumann & Karol Guidry.

20. Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Karol Guidry


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