Wednesday, January 14, 2015

SSQG meeting - Thurs 1/15/15

Hello to my talented beauties,

We will be kicking off our first "Sassi Strippers" meeting of 2015 on January 15th!πŸŽ‰  It will be at the Jones Creek Library @ 6:30pm.  I will ask everyone to make an extra effort to be there for this meeting. Please bring your $12.00 to pay your membership dues, Elsie will hand out the membership paperwork for you to fill out & give back to her at the meeting.  Please think about what you would like to do or see in the year of 2015 & to share this with our members.  We have such a talented group of ladies & I am honored to serve you this year.  I am open to all ideas & suggestions you bring. My wish for Sassi Strippers this year is to further our craft, our creativity & our friendships!  We will be wrapping up the "Quilt in the Box" in the beginning of 2015 & moving it into the second phase. Please bring your finished blocks & if you have any boxes as well to this meeting. I can't tell you how it still warms my heart that you all have enjoyed it so much!  Please bring something for show-n-tell to share your talent. Looking forward to our program Thursday night where Elsie will be sharing a technique to making a quilt that you will all enjoy!  You know you have a rookie when you asked me to be your President, so strap on your seat belts, it's going to be a crazy ride!!!πŸ˜ƒ

Pam Tennyson

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