Monday, January 19, 2015

SSQG minutes from the meeting held on 1/15/15

SSQG Meeting Minutes - January 15, 2015

  1. Call to order –  6:37pm
  2. Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests –
  3. Reading of the minutes and motion to accept –
a)    Motion made by: Renee Hoeprich
b)    Motion seconded by:  April Reeves
c)    Accepted by membership? - yes
  1. Reports of officers and committees
a)    Treasurer’s report –
                             i.     Beginning Balance:  $987.00
                            ii.     Deposits:  $20.00
                           iii.     Expenditures:  none
                          iv.     Ending Balance:  $1,007.00
                           v.     Motion to accept:
1.     Motion made by:  Sharon Holder
2.     Motion seconded by:  Karol Guidry
3.     Accepted by membership? - yes
b)    Blog site (VValle) – New officers have been added and outgoing removed.  All previous posts have been added so blog is current.
c)    Unfinished Projects (UFOs - JComeaux) - TBD
d)    Tabs (BBraud) – will continue to collect tabs
e)    Door Prizes (RHoeprich) – Renee Hoeprich is taking over from Sharon Holder.  Winners of this weeks door prizes were Carolyn Blanchard, Kathy Sandahl and Elsie Hamway.
f)     Just Do It (PTennyson) –
                             i.       Pam Tennyson will continue to head the Just Do It committee and is asking for project ideas from the membership. 
                            ii.       112 blocks (out of 121) have been finished for the Quilt in a Box project.
g)    Quilt Show (??) – asking for a member to volunteer as chairperson; Renee Hoeprich will continue to be on the committee.
h)    Charity Quilts (MLewis & CArmstrong) – Elsie Hamway has stepped down from this committee; Cheryl Armstrong has volunteered to assist Merlene Lewis.  Details for this year’s charity quilts will be detailed at the next meeting.  There is some fabric left for members to use.
  1. Unfinished Business –
a)    Guild banner status.  Jessie Comeaux was not available to give report
  1. New business
a)  Need a new Quilt Historian/keeper of publicity – Marilyn Halvorsen volunteered;  Thank you to April Reeves for past service.
b)  Reinstate the Greeter position – Karol Guidry volunteered
  1. Program Report –
a)  Elsie Hamway gave a sewing demonstration on how make tube quilt blocks.  A video may be viewed at  Elsie also a quick demo showing how to make a wonky tumbler block that involved sewing an odd shaped fabric piece on top of a conventional square block.  Thank you Elsie for an excellent presentation.
b)  Pam Tennyson requested that the membership think of ideas for programs for the upcoming year and present these ideas at the next meeting.  What do we wish to see?  Thread types and usages?  More sewing demos?  Hands on projects?  Put your thinking caps on and let’s hear the ideas!
  1. Show and Tell – members showed off their current projects.
  2. Announcements –..
a)    Quilting Opportunities
                           i.       Livonia, LA Guild has a Sit & Sew every 4th Monday of the month in 2014 from 9 a.m.‘til at the First Baptist Church in Livonia
                          ii.       Red Stick Wool Hookers meet at library every Thursday from 10am to 2pm at the Jones Creek Library.
                         iii.       Embroidery Guild of America has both day and night meeting at our library.
b)    The Quilt the Swamp exhibit, “Metamorphosis”, is being held at the Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center 1/18-2/15
c)    Superior Threads is having a sale at
d)    The Giving Quilt show will be at the Lamar Dixon Center 2/7 – 2/8.  Charity bears will be available for stuffing on Saturday, 2/7 from 10am-5pm
e)    Quilts of Valor Foundation now has a local representative – Roxanne Brown (  More information on this foundation, along with information on how to donate a QOV quilt may be found at
f)     Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 19th.

  1. Adjournment – 8:15pm

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