Thursday, November 16, 2017

SSQG Minutes -- 10/19/17

SSQG Meeting Minutes
Date: October 20, 2016
Minutes taken by Marilyn H

1. President / Call to order (Sharon H)- 6:34pm
2. Sign in, Welcome to Members and Guests- 12 Members attended and 0 Guests, Wanda Hoffman, new member, was welcomed

3. Reports of officers and committees

a. Treasurer’s report (Elsie H.)-

I. Beginning Balance: $1,014.25
II. Deposits: $6.00
III. Expenditures: $28.60
IV. Ending Balance: $991.65
V. Motion to accept:

1. Motion made by: Elsie H
2. Motion seconded by: Betty B
3. Accepted by membership? Yes

b. VP/ Programming (Mynan G)- Next month hoping for Sherry Herringshaw to do a trunk show. Also submit ideas for future programs.

c. Secretary (Becky F)-Becky F. absent. Marilyn H took minutes.

d. Historian/Blog Site (Marilyn H.)- Brought all the scrapbooks for members to look through.

e. Unfinished Projects (UFOs-Kathy S.)- No UFO’s

f. Tabs (Cheryl A.)- tabs are piling up and will be delivered soon. Tentatively scheduled for Nov 18th

g. Door Prizes (Valerie K.)-
      1. Pam T
      2. Mynan G
      3. Merlene L.

h. Just Do It (Sharon H)- Nov 18th to deliver tabs and visit NOLA quilt stores.

i. Quilt Show (SSQG membership)

j. Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Cheryl A.)- Delivered last month to OLOL and Cancer services

5.Unfinished business-

6. New Business- Christmas Party is tentatively Thursday Dec.14 @ 6:30pm @ City Cafe. Nominating Committee: Valerie K, Elsie H, and Karol G.

7. Program- Bingo winners: Elsie H and Betty B

8. Show and tell- Valerie K, Pam T, Merlene L

9. Announcements-
a) Next Meeting-

10. Adjournment- 8:30pm

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