Thursday, November 16, 2017

SSQG Minutes -- 9/21/17

SSQG Meeting Minutes
Date: September 21, 2017
Minutes taken by Tonya N

1. President / Call to order (Sharon H.)- 6:35pm
2. Sign in, Welcome to Members and Guests- Guest Fran F. Sharon talked her into quilting and she loves it.
3. Reading of the minutes and motions to accept-

a. Motion made by: Karol G
b. Motion seconded by: Elsie H.
c. Accepted by membership? Yes

4. Reports of officers and committees

a. Treasurer’s report (Cheryl A.)- Cheryl A . absent. Report by Sharon H

I. Beginning Balance: 1,014.25
II. Deposits: 0
III. Expenditures: 0
IV. Ending Balance: 1,014.25
V. Motion to accept:

1. Motion made by: Karen W.
2. Motion seconded by: Marilyn H.
3. Accepted by membership? Yes

b. VP/ Programming (Sharon H.)- Working on future presentations. Please let us know if there are any suggestions.

c. Secretary (Becky F.)-Becky F. absent. Tonya N took minutes.

d. Historian/Blog Site (Marilyn H.)- The link is up to view the Quilt Show photos.

e. Unfinished Projects (UFOs-Kathy S.)- Karen (we owe her 3 UFOs) quilt called “Kind, Smart, and Beautiful”.

f. Tabs (Cheryl A.)- Cheryl Absent. Becky brought tabs in.

g. Door Prizes (Valerie K.)-
      1. #6 Robin Cambell (Love My Handwork)
      2. #1 Marilyn (Picking the Flowers)
      3. #4 Sharon Holder(Stargazer)

h. Just Do It (Sharon H.)- Trip to Cottage Quilts. All had a good time.

i. Quilt Show (SSQG membership)- Public voted on Quilt Show winners. #1 Karen W., #2 Betty B, #3 Carol G, and Valerie K

j. Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Cheryl A.)- OLOL and delivered bears and quilts to cancer department. OLOL sent a thankyou card and they gave tickets for the chef showcase. Since 2011, we have made 3,183 bears

5.Unfinished business- There will be construction next year and may not be able to have the show. A lady may borrow the wavy patriotic quilt in Nov. in the library.

  1. New Business-
  2. a. Sale – Debbie Ingram estate – Sept 30th from 10-3. Fabric Rulers notions and machines.
  3. b. Sew Blue – Sew for fallen police officers' kids. Sat. Oct 7th 9-3. Bring machines and notions to come sew.
  4. c. Motion for buying 1-2 90” bolts of backing at JoAnn's for charity quilts
      1. Motion Made – Carolyn B
      2. Motion Seconded – Mynan G
      3. Accepted by membership - Yes

7. Program- Sassi Strippers Badges

  1. Show and tell-
    1. Merlene showed a quilt .
    2. Merlene and Karen went to Paducah and met Danny Amonzona (Snip It)
  2. 3. Janell sent 4 Jelly roll quilt tops for charity
    1. 4. Karen showed an illusion quilt
    2. 5. Mynan showed 3 charity quilt tops that were donated

9. Announcements-
a) Next Meeting- October 19th, 2017

10. Adjournment- 8:40pm

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