Founded in 2005 by quilters who wanted to share their love of quilting with others, our guild's purpose was to promote appreciation and interest in quilting and to provide educational opportunities. Reimagined in 2023 -- The Sassi Stripper Stitchers meets every third Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m at the Jones Creek Library. Come and go during that time. Work on any kind of stitchery. Sharing, show and tell, and fellowship.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Thursday, November 8, 2018
November meeting -- 11/15/18
morning ladies,
has graciously offered to do the program for our next meeting a week
from today. She will teach us how to press flowers in fabric to
be used in quilts. She has asked that we each bring a pressing
mat and pressing sheet. She will provide the flowers and fabric we
need. She will also bring 3-4 irons and Mynan will bring
another. It should be a great program.
are going to discuss our Christmas party and get a report about our
new officer nominations.
a sad note, Birdie's husband Clyde has passed away after a long
illness. We will send a card from the guild. There will be a
celebration of life next week. I will keep you posted.
wait to see everyone,
Friday, October 19, 2018
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
SSQG Minutes -- September 20 , 2018
SSQG Meeting Minutes
Date: September 20,
Minutes taken by Ann
1. President / Call
to order (Sharon H)- 6:42 PM
2. Sign in, Welcome
to Members and Guests- Members attended and Guests, Shirley
and Donna
3. Reports of
officers and committees- Minutes deferred
a. Treasurer’s
report (Elsie H.)-
I. Beginning
II. Deposits: $
III. Expenditures:
IV. Ending Balance:
V. Motion to
1. Motion made
2. Motion seconded
by: Mynan
3. Accepted by
membership? Yes
b. VP/ Programming
(Mynan G)- Mynan and Elsie will present a program called
Surprise Stitching
in October. November’s program will be presented by Merlene on
Using Pressed
Flowers in Quilting. December will be our Christmas Party at the City
Cafe. If anyone
would like to present a program or has an idea please let Mynan know.
c. Secretary (Becky
F)- Nothing new
d. Historian/Blog
Site (Marilyn H.)-Blog is alive and well and includes pictures of our
show at the library.
e. Unfinished
Projects (UFOs-Kathy S.)-Karen showed her Newport Vacation Quilt
f. Tabs (Cheryl
M.)- Cheryl will be gone most of October. When she returns she will
provide a list of
possible dates for a Just Do It trip to the Ronald MacDonald House in
New Orleans to
deliver a batch to drink can tabs.
g. Door Prizes
(Valerie K.)- None given because of book exchange.
h. Just Do It
(Sharon H)-We will go to the Veterans Home in Jackson on September
Everyone is invited
to join us as we deliver 21 quilts.
i. Quilt Show (SSQG
j. Charity Quilts
(Merlene L. & Cheryl M.)-Merlene reported that 15 quilts and 50
were delivered to
OLOL and 15 quilts and 150 bears were delivered to Cancer Services.
business- No additional business
6. New Business-
Houston Quilt Show is November 4-11
7. Program- We
enjoyed a huge book exchange and everyone(who wanted to) went
home with some new
8. Show and tell-
Quilts were displayed by Donna, Robin, Karen, Merlene and Monette
9. Announcements-The
Picayune Quilt Show will be Sept. 29 and 30 in Picayune, MS
a) Next Meeting-
October 18
10. Adjournment-
October Meeting -- 10/18/18
evening ladies,
night is our meeting of Sassi Strippers. We should have a fun time.
Elsie and Mynan are doing a program on Surprise Stitching. Please
bring a large eye needle and a pair of scissors.
will talk about our class this Sat with Tracy Gallagher on collage
and our Christmas Party. We will also discuss new officers.
are the minutes of our last meeting,
to see every one there.
Friday, September 28, 2018
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
September Meeting -- 9/20/18
Morning Ladies,
have been invited to participate in a Quilt for Kids Sew day on
Saturday 9/29 at St. Pauls Lutheran Church at the corner of Tara
Blvd. and Old Hammond Hwy. from 9am to 3pm. Bring your sewing machine
and notions or come to press. Kits, lunch and door prizes will be
provided. Please RSVP to Gaye Smith. Its easy and a really fun day.
Gallagher's Class will be held 10/ 27 at the Jones Creek Library from
10am to 3 pm. This was the date that worked for the most people.
Supply list and more information is coming. For those who are taking
the class a second time you may want to talk with Tracy about what
you want to do. We will talk more about it at our next meeting.
next meeting is Thursday 9/20, a week from tomorrow. Don't forget to
bring some quilting books that you no longer need/want. We will have
a lottery and hopefully everyone will go home with a new book. Also
please bring a simple dessert ( cookies, candy, etc). You don't have
to bring a lot because if everyone brings a few treats there will be
entry for everyone. Also bring a pen or pencil to write your
forward to seeing everyone, Sharon
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
SSQG Minutes -- July 19, 2018
Meeting Agenda
taken by B. Frederick
President/Call to order (Sharon H.) – 6:38
Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests: 16 members
Reading of the minutes and motion to accept –
Motion made by: Kathy S
Motion seconded by: Mynan G.
Accepted by membership? yes-
Reports of officers and committees
Treasurer’s report (Cheryl A.) –
Beginning Balance: $1101.92
Ending Balance: $1101.92
Motion to accept:
Motion made by: Becky F
Motion seconded by: Sharon H
Accepted by membership? -yes
VP/Programming (Mynan G.) – Quilt show set up for July 28th from 9 a.m. until. We are in need of a program for August.
Secretary (Becky F.) –no report
Historian/Blog site (Marilyn H.) –There have been some complaints about the Blogspot site but she hasn’t had any problems with it.
Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Kathy S.) – none tonight. Merline and Elsie from last month.
Tabs (Cheryl A.) – Becky, Betty, and Kathy brought some in.
Door Prizes (Valerie K.) 1. Becky F.; 2. Betty B.; 3. Kathy S.
Just Do It (Sharon H.) Sharon shared about the Krotz Springs trip.
Quilt Show (SSQG membership): Sharon spoke to the Women’s Veteran group that meets at the library and they will bring us hats from every branch. Next meeting we will talk about Demo day scheduled for August 18th from 10-2.
Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Cheryl A.) – Valerie and Marilyn brought bear skins.
Unfinished Business - none
New business – There are fabrics to give away on the table tonight. Given to Mynan fro her to give away.
Program – no program tonight. Winners of the fabric bingo: Pam T. and Ann G. Elsie won the Left/Right/Center game.
Show and Tell- none
Announcements –
GSQA meeting is Sat. July 28th.
Our guild is back in good standing. Show set up Sat. Bring your
Next meeting is August 16th,
Adjournment –7:55
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
July Meeting -- 7/19/18
afternoon ladies,
am looking forward to our meeting Thursday night. We will have
a social and review plans for the quilt show. I will be
bringing drinks. If you guys bring something to share we can all
snack to our hearts content. I'm thinking cookies, dips,
brownies or anything you like. We will also be playing two fat
quarter games. Please bring one fat quarter that is red, white and
blue themed. Red or white or blue or any combination would be
perfect. The other fat quarter is anything you chose.
am collecting our quilts for the show. I will be glad to come to you
to pick them up or you can bring them to the meeting. I'm available
for pick up Wednesday morning, Thursday most
of the day and all day Friday after 10:30.
We need quilts for the show. If you have any Christmas quilts please
put those aside to bring as well.
again, I know we will have an excellent show. You guys make it
me for pickup or bring the quilts Thursday night.
Call me as well if you have any questions.
SSQG Minutes -- June 21, 2018
Meeting Agenda
taken by B. Frederick
President/Call to order (Sharon H.) – 6:36
Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests: 16 members, guest: Tracey Gallagher
Reading of the minutes and motion to accept –
Motion made by: Fran
Motion seconded by: Elsie
Accepted by membership? yes-
Reports of officers and committees
Treasurer’s report (Cheryl A.) –
Beginning Balance: $1101.92
Ending Balance: $1101.92
Motion to accept:
Motion made by: Mynan
Motion seconded by: Sharon
Accepted by membership? -yes
VP/Programming (Mynan G.) – Tracey Gallagher this evening. Round Robin quilts do not have to be quilted for the quilt show. They will be displayed together.
Secretary (Becky F.) –no report
Historian/Blog site (Marilyn H.) –nothing new to report
Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Kathy S.) –absent. Merline and Elsie both had UFOs to show.
Tabs (Cheryl A.) – Becky, Betty, and Merline brought some in.
Door Prizes (Valerie K.) 1. Karol G.; 2. Elsie H.; 3. Betty B.
Just Do It (Sharon H.) July 10th trip to the Quilted Owl in New Orleans. July 14th trip to Krotz Springs quilt show.
Quilt Show (SSQG membership): We will hang quilts July 28th starting at 9:00 and take down day will be Thursday, August 30st. Demo day is August 18th from 10:00-2:00. Registration forms and quilts can be brought to Sharon’s house by July 15th. Registration sheets must be filled out prior to turning in your quilts. We need displays for the display cases. Suggestions are Patriotic (Women in the military), English Paper Piecing, paper piecing, and Library quilting books and fiction books about quilting (in the foyer display). Demo Day: Quilting for Kids, Row by Row Jr., Bears, Kid’s blocks, EP, Wool, knitting, locker hooking, needle point, etc. A viewer’s choice quilt will be voted on that day as well.
Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Cheryl A.)
Unfinished Business - still collecting red, white, and blue quilts for the veterans home (117 veterans).
New business - none
Show and Tell- Round Robin quilts: Monette, Karen, Merline, Fran, Marilyn, Karol, Cindy, Pam, Elsie, Sharon, and Mynan. Merline- charity quilt; Marilyn- 3 red, white and blue quilts; Andrea- charity quilt; Ann- little quilts, walker bags; Cindy- collage quilt, grandson quilt; Elsie- charity quilts; Mynan- charity quilts; Sharon- Samantha’s quilt.
Announcements –..
Next meeting: July 19th- bring your quilts for the show with completed registration forms attached if you have not yet turned them in.
Adjournment –8:34
Monday, June 25, 2018
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