Meeting Agenda
taken by B. Frederick
President/Call to order (Sharon H.) – 6:36
Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests: 16 members, guest: Tracey Gallagher
Reading of the minutes and motion to accept –
Motion made by: Fran
Motion seconded by: Elsie
Accepted by membership? yes-
Reports of officers and committees
Treasurer’s report (Cheryl A.) –
Beginning Balance: $1101.92
Ending Balance: $1101.92
Motion to accept:
Motion made by: Mynan
Motion seconded by: Sharon
Accepted by membership? -yes
VP/Programming (Mynan G.) – Tracey Gallagher this evening. Round Robin quilts do not have to be quilted for the quilt show. They will be displayed together.
Secretary (Becky F.) –no report
Historian/Blog site (Marilyn H.) –nothing new to report
Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Kathy S.) –absent. Merline and Elsie both had UFOs to show.
Tabs (Cheryl A.) – Becky, Betty, and Merline brought some in.
Door Prizes (Valerie K.) 1. Karol G.; 2. Elsie H.; 3. Betty B.
Just Do It (Sharon H.) July 10th trip to the Quilted Owl in New Orleans. July 14th trip to Krotz Springs quilt show.
Quilt Show (SSQG membership): We will hang quilts July 28th starting at 9:00 and take down day will be Thursday, August 30st. Demo day is August 18th from 10:00-2:00. Registration forms and quilts can be brought to Sharon’s house by July 15th. Registration sheets must be filled out prior to turning in your quilts. We need displays for the display cases. Suggestions are Patriotic (Women in the military), English Paper Piecing, paper piecing, and Library quilting books and fiction books about quilting (in the foyer display). Demo Day: Quilting for Kids, Row by Row Jr., Bears, Kid’s blocks, EP, Wool, knitting, locker hooking, needle point, etc. A viewer’s choice quilt will be voted on that day as well.
Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Cheryl A.)
Unfinished Business - still collecting red, white, and blue quilts for the veterans home (117 veterans).
New business - none
Show and Tell- Round Robin quilts: Monette, Karen, Merline, Fran, Marilyn, Karol, Cindy, Pam, Elsie, Sharon, and Mynan. Merline- charity quilt; Marilyn- 3 red, white and blue quilts; Andrea- charity quilt; Ann- little quilts, walker bags; Cindy- collage quilt, grandson quilt; Elsie- charity quilts; Mynan- charity quilts; Sharon- Samantha’s quilt.
Announcements –..
Next meeting: July 19th- bring your quilts for the show with completed registration forms attached if you have not yet turned them in.
Adjournment –8:34
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