Thursday, June 17, 2021

April 2021 Minutes


SSQG Meeting Minutes

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Minutes taken by Cheryl M.

  1. President/Call to order (Pam T.) – ZOOM meeting – 6:39 pm.

  2. Sign In, Welcome to Members and Guests – No guests. Members present: Karol G., Pam T., Cheryl M., Donna E., Karen W., Merlene L., Marilyn H., and Valerie K.

  3. Reading of the minutes and motion to accept –

Due to a technical error on the part of your secretary, March and April minutes will both be presented and voted on by the membership at our May meeting.

  1. Reports of officers and committees

        1. Treasurer’s report (Pam T.) – Treasurer not present. Merilyn W. sent a treasurer’s report for January – April (attached), and it will be voted on by the membership at the May meeting. It was noted that Glen Parks paid an extra $3.00 in dues, and it was decided that it would roll forward as part of her 2022 dues.

    1. VP/Programming (Dee J.) – no report

    2. Secretary (Cheryl M.) – no report

    3. Historian (Marilyn H.) – no report

    4. Blog (Marilyn H.) – the blog is up to date.

    5. Unfinished Projects (UFOs – Valerie K.) – Valerie will be taking the prize box to individuals who have outstanding finished UFOs.

    6. Tabs (Cheryl M.) – there are quite a few tabs saved up and Cheryl will check with Ronald McDonald House this summer regarding delivery.

    7. Door Prizes (Valerie K.) – Cheryl, Merlene, and Marilyn. Valerie will deliver door prizes.

    8. Just Do It (Pam T.) – for those interested, Centered Around Culture: Quilts of Cely Pediscleaux is on display March – May 2021 at West Baton Rouge Museum.

    9. Quilt Show (SSQG membership) – no report

    10. Charity Quilts (Merlene L. & Karen W.) – there are over 60 bear skins

    11. Red/White/Blue Quilts (Sharon H./Mynan G.) – no report

  2. Unfinished Business: Cheryl contacts the Jones Creek library monthly as to when a meeting room will be available after the renovation. Still no definite word on when, but Ms. Yvonne thinks it will be soon.

  3. New business: Cheryl has a lot of traced bears ready to sew and flip. Let her know if you’d like to help with this project.

  4. Program – Power Point slide show by Rhonda Dort called Quilting With Vintage Linens. Check out her website for more information including how to clean vintage linens.

  5. Show and Tell: Donna, Valerie, Karen, Merlene, Marilyn, and Pam.

  6. Announcements – a quilt retreat at R House in Liberty MS, July 15, 3 p.m. – July 17, 6 p.m. This is approximately one hour from Baton Rouge. There are two openings left to full capacity at $78/person. Contact Donna if interested.

    1. Next meeting – Thursday, May 20, 2021 on Zoom

  1. Adjournment – 8:15 p.m.

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